Four: Boyfriend!

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The day went slow, the week went slow, my heart was going slow just
Recently. Me and sir haven't talked or fucked in days, Zayn has noticed that I've started being grumpy and is really worried about me.

"Do you still love me" he has asked me this about 4000 times this week, and He's also been asking if I still want to go Rome with him. I do, but I don't, I change my mind every minute. Sometimes I feel like running away from the world.

All of these feelings over an illegal affair with my English teacher who has found out I had a boyfriend, this is the whole reason why I didn't tell him. I'd had of told him then we would have never had those amazing moments together. I wonder if he's thinking the same as me, and wants to talk? He's the adult he can make the first mood.

"I do still love you, Zayn, and yes It's my dream to go to Rome. To go to time with the man I love" I paused and thought of Liam "would be the most amazing holiday of my life" I said to Zayn kissing him on the forehead a couple of times.

Today was Friday, today was the day we broke up from school for a month for the holidays, me and Zayn are going on holiday in 7 days time. I must admit, I'm getting really excited for the holiday; I just haven't got the energy to show it.

As I was leaving the gates I felt a warm hand grab my arm and pulling me to face them, it was Liam, "I need to speak to you" Liam whispered into my ear before walking back into the school.

"Yeah, I-uh, need to grab something from English" I kind of lied, before running after Mr payne.

I got to his classroom and he was sitting on his desk, "h-hey" I stuttered, a bit scared of talking to him, seeming as we haven't spoken in ages.

"I-uh-I wanted to apologise for shouting at you the other day" he said quietly, hanging his head low.

"I also wanted to say sorry to you sir" I started but got interrupted by sir.

"No, you don't kneed to apologise for anything, I over reacted. Of course you've got a boyfriend, look at you" he said smiling "your blond you've got the perfect body for someone your age"

I smiled down at the floor. "And you are too kind for someone like me" he finished.

I just looked straight at his eyes, how could someone so amazing say something like that about themselves? I walked up to sir and looked him in the eyes and said "no sir, you don't deserve me" then kissed his amazing lips. Those lips that I had missed so very much.

He pushed away from the kiss, looking guilty, staring at me with his eyes. He looked like he was going to cry.

"I have a boyfriend, Niall" he announced, I stared at him in shock. I was about to say something but nothing actually came out. "H-how long for" i asked him. "It will be 2 years on February 1st" he said looking down at his knees.

" how dare you" i whispered "how dare you have a go at me for not telling you I had a boyfriend, how dare you, you little shit. I can't believe you have shouted and ignored me for having a boyfriend and not telling you, when you have a fucking boyfriend as well"

He was about to say something but interrupted him "no" I shouted "don't you dare talk to me" i pointed my finger at him and stormed out his room, tears rolling down my cheek. I wanted to punch him so hard.

I got to the gate and Zayn was standing there patiently, i grabbed his hand and we started walking back to my place. "What's up babe" Zayn kept on asking me as we walked home, I couldn't tell him the truth, I had to think of a good excuse as to why I was crying and looked mad.

"Nothing Zayn" I shouted at him when we got to my front door "I'm just tired" I lied before going into my house, not prepared for the rest of the night. Zayn asking me, every minute, what wrong.


Two boys One choice (Niam, Ziall)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora