Candy Jem- Strong Emotions Descriptions

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This was something very random written at 12.13a.m. Don't have high hopes for.
Moments where Candy Jem members are having very strong feelings: (uhh can these be considered good phrases-? PSLE ppl pls read and hopefully you'll get AL1 in Eng compo :))

Corey threw himself around Emilia, not caring about how everyone was there, looking at him, their mouths wide open. Emilia also opened her eyes wide in shock for a moment, but a tear slides down her face and she hugs Corey back.
There were so many things Corey wanted to say, no, he needed to say. So many things. Too many things. Over the last few years.
But all he could say, in that moment, was,
"Welcome home."
She glanced at the table in front of hers. She always did, to just tell her something funny she'd just remembered in the middle of the lesson. And she'd always listen, even though she was the kind to listen to the lesson no matter what.
Supernatural powers, Joni decided, it must be supernatural powers for her to be able to listen to two things at once.
But then, how could someone, so supernatural, so powerful, just... vanish?
Just evaporate into thin air- could she comdense back, and then Joni would realise she'd been tricked?
Hey, I admit defeat, alright? Just... condense back, please.
That was what she told the empty table every day, until Ms Miyuki sent someone in to take the table out. Even then, Joni fought, wrestled, unable to accept that they could just remove her table like that.
NO! She's coming back! She's going to condense back! Please! Don't take it away!
But they'd taken it anyway, and Joni was left with an empty spot in the classroom.
And as she stood on the cold white tile, as she began to cry, then did she realise:
Even if the supernatural evaporate, they couldn't turn back.
Welp I'll stop here for now I need sleep.


Hello~ I'm back.

Let's continue!

Mia felt a powerful force on her back. When she looked down, there was a silver glint, stained red, protruding from her stomach.


For a moment, she wondered when she had ever had a knife in her stomach. Surely, I couldn't have put it in during lunch, right...

Surprisingly, she never felt any pain. The only thing she felt was wonder, as to why she had a knife in her body, as to why someone would want to put a knife in her.

"It's not the stabbing part that hurts...

Mia turned her blonde head around and her eyes widened.

Instantly, the wound seemed to bleed even more, and she felt the pain kick in.

"Why would you..." 

She murmured, before her porcelain-skinned face fell to the ground, dirtying it with bits of gray dust.

it's turning around to see who is holding the knife." (quote by unknown soul) 

(Xinyi notes: I really doubt you would use this description in PSLE though...)


"I now pronounce you man and wife."

Alex kept smiling at her husband, and he smiled back gently at her. She knew he'd really loved her. He always did. He was a lucky man, to have found a woman he loved and she had loved him back.

At least, he thought she'd loved him back.

I love him.

I love him.

I love him.

...Do I?

In the end, there would always be the nagging thought in her head. That she'd married him not out of love, but for his money.

It wasn't like she wanted Gucci bags or L' Oreal lipstick, but because she needed it.

And so she rushed to win his heart over, and within half a year she had a white veil draped over her head.

She scanned the crowd below, and smiled happily at her mother, wrinkles in her hand more prominent than ever; and she smiled at her brother, always with a cute smile on his face; she smiled at her bridesmaids, childhood friends wearing identical short white dresses, and at her parents-in-law, contented that their only son had found a woman such elegance.

And then, her eyes met his.

A name resounded within her head, and the voice she had tried to shut down so hard sprung up again.


He'd promised-

He'd promised her a better life with him.

She'd agreed.


There he was, standing at the doorway, smiling at her.

He smiled, but through that smile, Alex could see betrayal, anger, disappointment.



I'm sorry.

And as the brunette bride raised her head, she smiled gently again, but this time, nobody could hear the soft sobs beneath the veil.



One more today

"So all the way 'till the end, I'm still not as good as her...?"

And you never will be.

"I see..."

Indeed, you "see".

"Well, I wanna know, still. What's so good about her?"

What's so good about her? She's just, well, her. Something both of the other two lack. So she's there to make up for that gaping hole.

"So, I'm just too similar to those two. She's liked because she's different, huh?"


"Can I be different, too?"

Why not?

"Please... don't trick me. I want to be liked by those two. They're... too great."

Sure, and you know what's the easiest way to make yourself different?

"I'll do it, no matter what it takes."


Get a knife.

You know what to do.


"I heard Jane killed herself."

"Really? Did she really want to be like Joni that bad?"

"Haven't you heard? Joni, the one from 5B, killed herself  just before..."

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