Evillious- A Baby in Pere Noel

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Credits: Mothy for Evillious Chronicles

https://themuzzleofnemesis.tumblr.com/post/625846863259713536/3memory-of-the-four-seasons-scene-8 for the Memory of the Seasons part.

Original story by karlakamui and

With the special help of:*Diana_Mizuno3320And credits to the creator of the cover:*TomboyJessie13(Oh no idk what happened to the font D: )


I met you in spring.

Thinking of it now, maybe at that time I had already fallen in love with you.

In summer we made a lot of memories, on an autumn night we were joined.

And in this winter- we marked the end of everything.


The hammer raises, my index finger drawing close to the trigger.

That finger trembled slightly, but I couldn't tell.

"I'm sorry..."

Those were my last words to you.


In the end, you-


A dry gunshot rang out from beneath the cherry blossom tree.

She could do nothing but cry while holding him in her lap, whilst the snow fell like white rain around her and the wind blew. The salty drops that rolled from her cheeks fell on the face of her loved one like that of a tap.

She gave him one last kiss before getting up and leaving him on the ground, carrying the ring he'd given her. Before he died he'd proposed to her, to marry him.

Marry him? Nemesis brought up the ring, and flung it to the ground, but on second thought picked it up again.

"It's an engagement ring. Though I didn't have much choice in diamond size with my salary."

He'd worked hard for this. She couldn't just throw it away.

I... can't just throw away the last memory of him either...

Unsteadily, she got up and walked towards her apartment. Was it her tears, or did the building look so blurry...? Unsteadily, she got up the stairs and pushed open the creaky old door.


That was her last thought before the ring in her hand fell to the ground with a ring, and so did the young girl on the cold winter floor.

When one of "Master"'s favourites didn't report for work in close to a week, the whole PN started to get agitated.

"Master", half angered at Themis but also concerned, sent his butler to go check on her, something he'd never done before to any other members. But Themis was a top-tier assassin, and he couldn't really afford to lose her.

Bruno mused over the whole affair on his way to the apartment. Really, those two had no clue- The only ones who know about this now are Ma, and well, me.

He continued down the hallway and came to the assassin's door, preparing to knock, until the door swung open on its own.

This girl, it cannot be that she leaves her house unattended...

Stepping cautiously into the room, he cringed at the sight of the mess, and in the middle, the girl he'd been looking for.

He spotted a ring lying on the ground, and swiftly pocketed it, before giving the unconscious girl a gentle kick.

No response

"Themis Eight, get up."

Still no response.

Slightly concerned, the butler gave her a harder kick and called her name loudly.


"Themis! I'm not playing games here! "Master" is not happy with this!"

By this point, Bruno couldn't stand it any more. Swiftly, he bent down and checked her pulse. Still there. Breathing? Yes. Any response? No.

Fearing the worst, Bruno swung her onto his back in one motion and ran to the hospital beside the apartment, not forgetting to multitask informing "Master" on the way.

"Explain." "Master" coldly demanded, trying to hide his fear of losing Themis.

"I'll summarise things by saying that I found her on the floor and she didn't react no matter how much I called her," said the servant.

Lich, who'd been curious and tagged along, smirked silently as he stared at the sleeping Themis.

I have a feeling this is gonna be interesting...

The doctor came in and addressed the visitors with a smile.

"Calm down. Miss Sudou is fine, it was just fainting,"

"Fainting?" Shiro, who'd come as "Master"'s bodyguard, asked curiously.

Nothing like this has ever happened to her...

"Not even because of a lack of sleep," Lich mused while enjoying the frustrated faces of everyone else.

"Oh, no such thing, it's simply because Miss Themis is..."

Everyone unconsciously held their breath, half anticipating what the doctor was going to say, half fearing something bad.

Read the rest at https://www.wattpad.com/story/349226558-a-baby-in-pere-noel-translated-version

Thank you so much!!

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