Evillious- The Hand Mirror (With that She was Happy)

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Credits: Mothy for Evillious Chronicles and JosefCrim for the original story.


In the biggest house in the small town of Toragay, there lived a wealthy doctor and his daughter.

They envy the girl, say she's lucky to be born into such a rich family, with such brains.

What they don't know, is that every night, when everybody sleeps peacefully, there is a soul wide awake.

She doesn't sleep

It's night but she can't sleep.

She hasn't slept a wink since she was born.

She wants to.


Everyone is allowed this break from their problems.

But not her.

The Gods don't let her.

She smiles.

What could she do about it, really?

Wallow in Self Pity?

She laughs softly.

She has a loving father, sure.

A fiancé who loves her...?

She gazed at the small wooden ring on the bedside table.

He probably wouldn't even remember.

The promise he had made.


She gets up and walks to the dressing table, lighting up a small lamp.

I don't really want to wake anybody else up...

She picks up the comb. A beautifully carved Walnut comb, running through her long green hair.

Brush, brush.

They always said she was prettier than the others, with her hair and face.

Brush, brush.

She tied her hair into twintails, like she'd always done since young.

Brush, brush.

What was she meant to do?

She's not sure.

Will Kaspar love her?

She's not sure.

Will her father ever find out the truth about her condition?

She is not too sure.

Is she even... human?

Brush, brush.

Even her reflection refuses to give her an answer.

She stares puzzled, at the boy in her mirror, with blue eyes and blue hair.


"Who... are you?"

The boy looked at her with the same puzzled eyes.

Something, something stirred in both their hearts.

"Well... what's your name?"

"I... can't tell you too much."




"My name... is Adam."

Something sprouted out in her chest.


"My name is Margarita Felix. My father's the best doctor in the town!" She smiled lightly, but Adam could see the pride in her eyes.

"A doctor? What does he do?"

"Well, he heals sick people..."

"Oh, that sounds like such a noble profession!" Adam exclaimed through the mirror, and Margarita smiled.

"My mother... She's a priestess. She gets messages from the Gods and relays them to people."

Margarita cocked her head.

"Oh... it's really okay if you don't understand..."

Awkward silence.

"So... what's life like for you?"


What she was doing-

Could it even be called living?

"Well, I have a father who loves me, a fiance, and... friends."



"I don't have friends..." He said sadly.

"Well, they're not much of friends either."

"Haha... I see."

As ridiculous it sounds, she was a little glad Adam laughed at her comment.


"Hey, Adam..."

"Will you be my friend?"

He leaned back a little in shock.

"Will you...?"

He smiled.

"I will."

And he stretched his hand out, and surprisingly, it passed, unhindered, through the mirror an reached for Margarita's.

She hesitated for a second, then held his hand.

This feels... familiar...

But she smiled, feeling his warmth.

"Hey, Adam..."


"I'm really happy that you decided to fall into my mirror."

"Me too."

And with that she was happy.

a/n: So apparently here Maria rightfully had Adam as her son and acknowledged him. Also the mirrors are, you guessed it, two of the four Lucifenia mirrors. Yes, Margarita had one (Remember from the book stating that her husband sold her spoons, glasses and mirrors? Yeah, about those mirrors.) and Adam, well, that's how the mirrors became a deadly vessel in the first place, isn't it?

So at this point Marie is chilling somewhere in the other two mirrors.

And I made this a lot shorter.

Art by : Amber)

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