Chapter 1 - The Duke's Dead Castle

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The crackling snaps of fire and tantalizing aroma of freshly hunted meat cooking over a flame filled the forest air. The flames danced and flickered, casting their warm glow out into the moonless night, revealing the presence of four distinct figures.

Victoria Scarlett Macalester, the youngest daughter of a little-known Baron family from the West, was nestled beside the fire and diligently tended to the roasting meat. She wore a majestic flowing purple dress, meticulously embroidered with exquisite rare gems, mirroring her enchanting beauty, a gift from their party's benefactor. Her hair was reminiscent of freshly fallen snow, while her eyes twinkled like star rubies, a testament to her innate magical prowess as a rare Western mage.

Zen Marcus Markinswell was a retired warrior who had been bestowed the rank of Baron after countless achievements on the battlefield. He was a tall, muscular, weathered man with scars adorning his bald head. His fierce gray eyes seemed just as deadly as they were wise, a trait only earned through years of countless battles. He held a red spear, another gift from their benefactor, and concentrated on the only world he knew: a sparring session.

Alexander Cornelius Ambrose was the second son of the late Earl James Vlad Ambrose from the West, a family renowned for their vast trade network. He possessed striking ocean-blue eyes, a rarity in the West, and short brown hair. He was in a graceful dance of skill with Zen as he firmly gripped a golden sword, yet another gift from their benefactor.

Though they were both lost in battle, they were still mindful not to stray too close to Victoria and the fire. They had learned from the previous day the wrath that would be unleashed upon them if they ruined yet another meal.

The last member of this little party had somewhat separated herself from the rest. She was only lightly illuminated by the flames, and her face was hidden from the world by her green hood. Her breathing was nearly imperceptible as she effortlessly drew back the string of her bow.

Her focus was unwavering, her intent clear as she watched a gray rabbit unknowingly cross the boundary of Victoria's spell. It instantly lost any sense of direction in the absence of the enchanting blanket of snow and, most damaging of all, was oblivious to her presence.

She fired her arrow right at it. A hit from such a short distance was easy for any archer, but her arrow had missed, and the rabbit simply hopped back through the boundary.

"I think you missed," a voice said behind her.

"I know! You don't have to tell me every time, Al—"

The hooded woman stood up and found herself a breath away from Alexander's face. Their eyes latched onto each other as they both realized how close they were simultaneously. Alexander leaned in to kiss her, but the hooded woman backed away. He was quick to notice, pulling back his attempt, his face red from embarrassment, hiding it by covering his mouth with his hand.

"I'm sorry...I just thought...and you know—" Alexander's voice was faint, his words jumbled up.

"N-No..." she managed to get out. "You just surprised me. I-I didn't mean to move away. And you know, I'm new to...this. I just wasn't ready...yet!"

Alexander turned back to see she was closer to him than before. There was no misunderstanding this time. He tried to lower her hood but stopped when she rejected the action, so he just gently placed his hand on her cheek and leaned in to kiss her.

Fireworks. For Alexander, who had long loved her, it felt like nothing short of fireworks going off in his mind when kissing her. But like fireworks, it only lasted for a moment. His mind remembers that he can't truly be with her, never allowed to move forward past this mild relationship as she was a commoner and she would taint the family.

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