001 ∆Elizabeth's secret∆

40 12 83

1896, California

The savage beast growled and struggled to break free from the chains used to bound it down, green slime oozed through it's slimy grey-ish green skin and its black bulging eyes grew even wider. Its tail slapped front and back and it wiggled its waist to break loose.

"Doctor Elizabeth, isn't this project too risky? We've done series of test but nothing is working." A white skinned man in a lab coat muttered.

"Silence Balfour! It is a must we get this formula." Elizabeth spatted out.


"--No buts." She moved closer to him, only a feet away. Her hands slowly caressed his sweaty cheek and she looked deep into his teary brown eyes. With no attempt did his eyes try to hide the fear in him. "My father's life depends on it and you know it--" she ushered. "--we could save so many lives from the danger that awaits mankind many many years from now."

"But we are also endangering mankind because these savage creatures don't die Elizabeth, they regenerate--"

"Enough of this now, let us move on to the next phase, we have little or no time left to--"

The door flung open and a younger masculine figure came bursting in. "Doctor Elizabeth! The higher ups are here!" He exclaimed with so much fear in his movements.

"What are they doing here!" She grunted. "Hurry! We must cover it up!"

"No need for that Missy!" A masculine voice uttered. They all turned around and notice a big belly-ed fat man walk in through the ajar door.

"Mr Fisher!" Elizabeth yelped. "Wh--what brings you here Mr Fisher?" She stuttered.

He dipped his hand into his slightly small pockets at the side of his coat and his lips turned into an upside down smile. His wrinkled pink face portrayed displeasure. "Miss Addams, care to explain what is going on here?"

"Uh--uh I--uh." She gulped down saliva that seemed to choke her a little as is passed through her lungs. "I can explain sir, there is a logical explanation."

He paused in his steps with an arched brow. After a short struggle to retrieve his hand from his pocket, he raised it and pointed at the slimy growling creature that was bounded to the wall of the room. "Is there? Is it logical enough for this...what is-- what is this thing?" He squinted.

"It is the next level of drug development sir and I can show you--"

"--drug development?--"

"--I can show you...if only you give me a chance to." She beamed at him confidently.

"Do enlighten me Miss Addams." He returned his hand to his pocket.

"Mr Fisher I present to you a creature from the year 1609 with a feature known to no mankind."

"1609? I need to sit down for this, get me a drink buffor." He pointed at Balfour.

"Uh-- it's Balfour sir." Mr Fisher stared at him with an 'I don't care' look and Balfour immediately retreated to the door, "I'll only be a minute!" He ushered.

"Mr fisher do you know how many people have died from cancer and other deadly, incurable diseases?" She asked with an arched brow.

"Thousands! Of course!" He exclaimed.

"Millions." She said in a hushed tone. "Mr fisher I went to the year 2020 and a plague called covid-19 killed a lot of innocent souls but do you know that I... I can stop it."

"Wait wait wait, covid-19? What is that?" He squinted.

"Something called corona virus, aka SARS-CoV-2." She wrote in boldly on a white marker board. "Research evidence suggests that SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV originated in bats. SARS-CoV then spread from infected civets to people, while MERS-CoV spreads from infected dromedary camels to people. I went to the year 2021, 2 and 3 but the origin of SARS-CoV-2 which caused the COVID-19 pandemic has not been identified."

"So this... Corona, where did you find it?" Mr Fisher asked as he placed a hand on his chin.

"It was first spotted in the year two-o-nineteen in Wuhan, China city but was nationally declared in 2020." She smiled confidently.

"It seems you have been spending quite some time in the future Miss Addams."

"But it was for a good cause!"

"Miss Addams! We do our dirty works in the past because we don't want to affect our present and future, I can't have you going into the future like it's your backyard!" He exclaimed, rage burning in his eyes.

"I want to save those people!" She flared. "I can save those people sir." A tear drop rolled down her red cheeks.

"No Addams... You want to save your Dad." He sighed. "I'm shutting this whole operation down and thank your stars, I won't report this to the other higher ups.

"No! I won't let you do that Mr Fisher!"

The slimy beast growled and broke free from the experiment table, dashing across the room with immense speed, it went for Elizabeth.

"Oh shit!" Balfour exclaimed as the cup of coffee fell from his grip. "Elizabeth run!" He exclaimed. He quickly opened up any portal for her to run to but she was just too slow.

Gripping her with it's tail, it sunk its claws straight into her stomach and red thickness oozed from its incisions.

She choked on her words as she tried to cry and red thickness spilled from her mouth. At her final moment, a gunshot was heard and the beast growled in pain, finally letting go, it jumped into the time portal.

Green slime mixed with dark blood oozed from her injuries but thankfully, she was alive.

They ran to her and lifted her, opening a time portal back to the present, they went through but the one thing they all worried about was "what time could that creature be and how dangerous is it?"

They ran to her and lifted her, opening a time portal back to the present, they went through but the one thing they all worried about was "what time could that creature be and how dangerous is it?"

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