004 ∆ Case three ∆

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Taken aback by shock, Elizabeth's jaw fell open with a frozen expression on her face, one that resembled petrification.

"This is all your fault Miss Addams!" Mr Fisher fumed.

"This is no time for condemnation Fisher." Idina said. She shifted her gaze back to her sister. "B… how dangerous are those other two?" 

Elizabeth was still petrified, unable to speak, Balfour became her mouth piece. "Case number zero and one are very dangerous- dangerously powerful--"

"--oh my God!" Mr Fisher exclaimed.

Balfour remained silent for a few seconds before continuing. "The one that attacked your sister- Elizabeth, was immensely strong and research proves it's immortality but the other two are more powerful beyond science comprehension… they were referred to as evil spirits except they aren't spirits but beasts while others called them demons." 

Idina opened her mouth to speak but realized that no words could comprehend the situation at hand.

"How did you- how did you manage to capture these demonic beasts without getting yourself killed in the first place?" Mr Fisher stuttered. 

"It was… quite the adventure actually. We consulted dark power wielders who were totally stronger than those demonic beasts." Balfour explained with a look that proved it wasn't a pleasant journey and he wasn't ready to do it again.

"Why did you go after demons Betty? I thought you were scientists, scientists don't believe in the supernatural and only go after creatures with logical explanations!" Idina frowned.

"Calm down Idina-- I know you are all mad but I only did it because their cells can provide a cure to every known and unknown disease." Elizabeth explained.

"Enough with that excuse Addams! You are trying to save your father!" Mr Fisher exclaimed.

"Enough with my father talk Mr Fisher!" Elizabeth exploded. She got up from the chair even though it was excruciatingly painful as she rose to her feet, she posed a stern expression on her face to hide the pain, trying not to portray weakness. "Yes! Yes I am! I'm trying to save my father from dying in the hands of an infection that I can cure!"

"But you cannot cure it!"

"Not yet… I can once I gather them again and just keep experimenting on them and--"

"--Betty stop!--"

"--my mom died! My mom and my brother! I've already lost so much…" her voice trailed off in tears. "Why won't you let me hold on to this one? Let me save him while I can." Her stare was persuasive as tears welled up her eyes. 

"Sometimes… sometimes we- we have to make sacrifices." Mr Fisher expressed in guilt.

"I've sacrificed enough! … I've sacrificed enough." She broke into tears. She hadn't realized when her strong and fearless mask fell off, revealing the little girl in her. 

Balfour had never seen her in tears, she was always emotionless… at least she posed to be. Even when she lost her mother and brother, she didn't mourn in front of him but he could read the pain in her eyes.

Enduring the pain from her bloody wounds, she dragged her feet to the kitchen where she was out of sight but not out of mind.

"I'll talk to her." Idina said as she started towards the kitchen but was stopped by Balfour's hand on her wrist.

"Let me, I know what it feels like to lose someone."

"They were my family too yunno."

"I do but they weren't really your family either. I'm the only one that can talk to her right now." 

Her silence revealed her defeat and Balfour smiled in appreciation. 

She went back to the couch and relaxed her aching back while Mr Fisher just stared into the nothingness. Amaar brought her a can of coke with her favorite kind of pastry -cake- and she accepted it with a smile. 

Few minutes later, Balfour returned with a smiling Elizabeth and the others were left wondering what he could have told her to bring a smile upon her face. "Let's get ready because we are going after case three." 


1896, California

They returned to their lab where things had been tidied up by the other assistants to get a few things to prepare them for their trip and also for Elizabeth to pick her phone which was accidentally left behind during the incident. 

"Elizabeth." Mr Fisher called. "How could you see the things that case three was seeing and doing?" 

"That… is also a mystery to me." 

"Probably because its blood was inside you so you two were kind of connected… that would mean our friend has also developed dark powers." Balfour explained.

"This thing is extremely dangerous, are you sure you want to do this?" Mr Fisher asked Idina.

"My sister is doing this, it could be our chance to grow that bond yunno." 

"This is my job Idina, you're a fashionista." Elizabeth uttered. 

"Who says a fashionista cannot rock a limited edition fur coat while chasing a deadly possible demonic creature." She smiled.

"I got you this charm necklace Idina, it'll protect you from evil spirits." Balfour handed her an accessory made with bone and probably shoe lace.

"Uhm… no thanks, it's not really my style." She smiled before walking away from him.

"But it's authentic…" he sighed. 

"Alright everyone…" a white light beamed through the room with a passageway opening in it, "in the portal."

"If you ever want to get married and have kids… forget my sister." Elizabeth advised before walking past him then jumped first into the portal. 

Balfour reluctantly followed and they all went through.

2006, Greenland

Arriving at the other side, their warm clothes weren't enough to shield them from the cold and like that wasn't life threatening enough, case three was only a few miles away from them and unfortunately, had spotted them through the grand entrance.

Without hesitation, it started towards them on four hinds with immense speed and Elizabeth, being at the front felt her heart freeze...

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