006 ∆The Prince of darkness ∆

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Amid the smoke, a silhouette of a man with a tail appeared, the instant he walked out of the fog, it dispersed and his appearance was open to them. 

"Hello old friend." A dark grin appeared on his face.

"Your Highness!" Elizabeth instantly fell to her knees.

"Oh stop it!" He chuckled softly. His cerulean blue eyes landed on Black, "I like you… you're not scared even after such a dramatic entrance." 

Black who remained in his seat, only shrugged in response. As he raised his glass to his mouth, his Highness stole his cup from him, "but… you see sometimes… bravery can be a very foolish thing to portray." His voice was hushed but fear inflicting. He sipped from the glass, "hmm, is this whiskey or water?"

"Your Highness I--" 

"--You see this girl…" he pointed at Elizabeth. "She is very brave, never scared… but she let it get to her head and she did something very stupid… she made a deal with a devil." 

"A devil?" Black asked with an arched brow.

"Yeah a devil- me… I'm not the devil but a devil and now she broke her promise so she has to pay." He chuckled.

"I'm so sorry your Highness." She bowed her head, still on her knees.

"Just call me Prince, I told you before and no need to be sorry, I knew my sons would escape because you have no powers to hold them bound so…" he shrugged.

"Wait… you knew that this would happen but you let me take them anyway?" She asked as she rose to her feet.

He shrugged again in response.


"Would you have listened if I said no? Besides, what's a devil if he isn't mischievous?" He winked at her and she scoffed. "So, my lovely, you owe me three wishes but I won't rush you, let's talk about it tomorrow I'm so tired." He stretched his long arms and legs, "had to pick up so many souls and fuck they were stubborn." He emphasized with a roll of his eyes.

Before either of them could speak, Prince walked into the shadows and was soon out of sight. 

"Don't ask." She said to Black as she went to her room.


It was a very short night for all as the morning sun had brightened up the sky. Idina and Mr Fisher were confused to find a new member seated at their table. 

Hair as dark as the night sky, authentic silver rings on his fingers, lips and nose, diamond glittering accessory around his tattooed neck, an aura so dark and bedeviling, a smile as seductive as the word itself, such description befits Prince.

"Who is this?" Idina asked as she settled next to Balfour whose face was plastered with displeasure.

"I'm nobody actually but I am known as the serpent from hell, the son of Hades, the path to death, the demon overlord and many more but I go by Prince." He smiled childishly.

"He is someone I hoped to never see again." Balfour expressed in displeasure.

"You're the boy from three hundred years ago, it's nice to see you again." Prince smiled. 

"Can you not do that?" Balfour frowned as Prince wrapped his tail around his leg. "You can hide that, why won't you hide that?"

"Alright." His long tail reduced until it was completely gone.

"As much as I'd love to spend time with the devil--"

"--a devil not the devil." Prince interrupted Mr Fisher.

"Okay… we have a monster roaming the streets of this city and only the devil knows how many people it's killed already." Mr Fisher frowned.

"Actually no, the devil doesn't know but I do, it hasn't actually found any prey cause it needed a lot of time to regenerate after what Black here did to him. Don't ask me where but it's got a power source that is helping it reanimate." Prince explained with a look of seriousness.

"Thank you, let's get going everyone, not all might return alive." Mr Fisher said with an expression somewhere between fear and pity.

As they all rose to their feet, Prince interrupted them by saying; "you know… you can all survive but Elizabeth is the key."

"What do you mean?" Elizabeth frowned.

With a sly grin on his face, "all you have to do is double my wish and I'll only have to snap my finger to rid you all of that monster." He flirtatiously said.

"Not happening! If we all die out there I don't mind." 

The blonde lady from the night before approached them with warm sets of clothes and boots, all made out of animal skin and fur.

"Thank you sweetie." Black winked at her with a light slap on her butt and the lady chuckled as she returned to her seat.

Elizabeth shot Black with a questioning look but chose to remain silent. "Let's go before that thing charges fully." She commanded the squad who reluctantly followed her, especially Idina.

"You remain here, Idina." Elizabeth said.

"No way that I'm leaving you to go out there on your own!" 

"This is not your field Idina! You can't survive this… you won't." Elizabeth expressed with a hint of sympathy in her eyes.

"I'll be helping you cross over to the underworld cause you live a fucked up life." Prince expressed with a chuckle. 

"I can't lose you too Idina, I promise to follow your orders after all this is over." Elizabeth uttered.

"I see you love making promises." Prince butted in but no one paid attention to him.


The others instantly rushed to the battlefield but regretted it as soon as the fight started. Prince on the other hand manipulated his way into Elizabeth's head, reminding her about his offer, breaking her focus on purpose.

Left with no choice after Balfour broke his leg and Black's mechanical arm was chopped off, she accepted his offer and he instantly appeared… right in front of case three.

"Prince watch out!" She yelled out.

"I can handle this little puppy girl, don't emba--" his words were cut short as the beast sent its claws straight into his heart.

"No!!!" Elizabeth screamed almost in tears.

Tears welled up in his eyes as blood gushed from his nose and mouth. 

Lifting him up in the air, the monster opened its mouth so wide that it was wide enough for it to swallow Prince whole. A loud screech escaped its mouth revealing it enjoyed its meal and it was ready for more.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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