002 ∆Elizabeth's dreams I ∆

18 9 73

2018, Australia

Morphing through time was a painful yet bearable experience every time they time traveled but they did it anyway.

Luckily for them, Elizabeth's home was only a block away and they got there before they could raise any suspicions amongst the citizens.

"Idina, Idina!" Balfour anxiously knocked on the door, gently but audibly.

"Hold your horses! I'm coming!" She yelled out from the inside. As the door cringed open, her eyes grew wider in shock as she saw her sister on the back of Balfour, "Balfour? What happened to my sister?"

"No time to explain!" Mr Fisher mumbled as he pushed past her. "Bufor, bring her in already so I can access the wounds." 

"Uh it's Balfour Sir and yes sir." He rushed in and gently placed Elizabeth on the couch.

"What happened to her!" She yelled angrily. "What did you stupid scientists make her do this time?!"

"Make her do?" Balfour asked with an arched brow.

"Stupid scientists?!" Mr Fisher hollered, feeling insulted.

"No-no-no." Balfour expressed as he shook his head. "This was all Elizabeth, you speak like you have no knowledge of your own sister." 

Idina searched for a comeback in her head but found herself at sea. She pulled at her hair, almost yanking it out of its roots. "This is so messed up! This is why we moved from Florida Elizabeth, you keep doing these deadly things even when I tell you not to! Listen to me! I'm older!" She spurted out.

"Uh… she can't… hear you… she's unconscious." Balfour stated.

"Do you think I can't see that my own sister is on the verge of death?!" She roared. 

"I'm sorry." He whimpered.

She sighed, "i-it's not your fault, every time I forget that you're from a different time and things are quite difficult for you to understand here, I just don't get it… why didn't you go back in time to be with your family?" 

"If there's one thing I've learned, to change events that have already taken place is quite near impossible!, if I go back to the time I'm from but a little further to the past, I'll only have to relive their deaths again because I can't stop them from dying." He explained with a hint of sympathy for himself.

She placed a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry I brought it up."

"It's okay, you know I'll tell you anything." He smiled and she smiled back at him.

"If you are done falling in love then can you assist Amaar with concocting the antidote?" Mr Fisher questioned.

"Falling in love? He's like my baby brother!" Idina exclaimed, a little disgusted.

"But I-hmm." Balfour sighed.

They both went to the young assistant who was half way done already.

As they handed the purple oozing liquid to Mr Fisher, he emptied the bottle down her throat and awaited a reaction. 

Elizabeth began to shudder and beads of sweat had formed on her feverish forehead, unlike they anticipated, she remained unconscious while her body anomalously reacted to the antidote.

"She seems to be having dreams." Mr Fisher said as he analyzed his hand-written chart. "Her brain is reacting in the same manner a dreaming person would."

"Can you zap into her dream?" Idina asked.

"Without proper equipments no, we'll just have to wait till she wakes." He sighed.

"How long will that be?" 

"Depends really on her dreams, could be any second now, or minutes, hours, days, weeks, months--"

"--I think I get it now!" She frowned. She crouched next to the couch and held her sister's unexplainably cold palms. "Oh Betty, please wake up." Her eyes became filled with tears.

∆† Elizabeth's dreams †∆

"How did I get here?" She gasped.

The howling wind gushed past her ear as she traveled through the Antarctic, she felt the tips of her fingers frozen solid and her nose as she struggled to breathe. "It's s-so c-c-cold." She shivered as icy smoke escaped her mouth.

She kept moving down the slope road, one sluggish step at a time.

The lakes had been frozen, there were no houses in sight or even a hope of warmness. 

Her stomach growled in addition to the situation at hand and she felt her innards eating her up. "I d-don't f-fe-feel so g-good." She complained.

As she felt like there was nothing that could happen to worsen the situation, an abominable snow creature twice her size happened to be strolling down the road at the same time and as her instincts told her to hide, her body raced for the monster. "What am I doing?" She yelled. 

At first, the monster growled in an attempt to scare her off but she could notice the change of emotion in its eyes before it began to gallop for its cave. 

She felt her skin painfully tear apart as her body outgrew it, "arghhh!" She groaned and screamed. 

The snow monster looked back at her with fear in its eyes and it was almost as if it was in tears.

Like a beast on four hinds, she raced for the snow creature, she now felt two times the size of her prey and it made it an easy catch for her.

To her utmost surprise, as she clenched it in a firm grip, she reached for the neck and bit off its head. It's defiantly growling echoed through her ears as she feasted on his body.


With a belly no longer hungry for food, Elizabeth wondered what had just happened and why she felt like a smaller version in her head. Her body had soon adapted to the cold and she moved fine in the freezing snow.

A couple of explorers were spotted in the mountains and she raced for them, her mind clearly wanting to ask for help but her body… something else.

As she grew closer to them, sneakily like a hunter and its prey, one of them noticed her and screamed in fear, "ahhhhh! Monster!" 

The others noticed her and began screaming, running for their lives as she relentlessly chased.

"What am I doing?" She asked herself. "Have I mutated into a… monster!"

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