<~•^on the way to him^•~>

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It was a normal day for me, it was finally summer break which started pretty nicely, I had the chance to sleep in and woke up in the late afternoon. Which went on until Saturday, I overheard a phonecall from my father on which I decided to go back into my room and wait until he finished with the call. As soon as I thought that he was done, I went downstairs to the living room I quickly heard my father talking to his boyfriend Ajax which made me a bit curious but also kinda nervous so I went to the living room and sat down on the couch, which got unnoticed until my little sister Qiqi greeted me with a sweet and simple good morning as I greeted back my father turned to look at me.

"Pack your things, we're going to Mondstadt" he said to me and Qiqi, she got up quickly and run upstairs probably into her room. As curious I was I looked at him.

"Why are we going to Mondstadt? Is something happening there?" I asked curiously and looked around to see nothing out of the ordinary.

"No we're just going there because we're visiting an old friend and neighbor of mine" he replied quickly before going back to type on his phone.

"How boring, there's gonna be no one in my age there" I said, a little disappointed, knowing that I'm gonna sit there alone as the only 16 year old person.

"Haven't I mentioned that she has twins who are almost 16?" My father quickly said, noticing my disappointment in my voice and look. Hearing him say that made me light up my mood. I couldn't believe that she has twins in my age, but if they're gonna be two annoying girls I'm gonna kill myself I swear but I guess it's too soon to make such a judgement. Let's just wait until we're there and everything's going to be alright! I hope..

It was getting kinda exciting knowing that I'm gonna have two people to talk to and probably they'll understand me. I hope that they're not as talkative and annoying as Venti.. oh well.. when we're there then it's gonna be like tomorrow morning or so. I'll just go upstairs and pack some of my things quickly before texting some of my friends that we'll going to cancel our plans for the rest of the week. I'm glad that I don't have to hangout with them honestly but, I don't like to meet new people either but oh well.. at least they know my father so I guess I can trust them..

As soon as I was done with packing my stuff, I went downstairs with my packed things and handed them to Ajax without saying anything. I still hated him even though he didn't do anything to me but still I hated him for trying to replace my dead mother, for me it was a reason enough. Do I regret it?

Obviously not.

Qiqi and my father seemed happy but I wasn't and I will never find happiness ever again. I liked being alone but on the other side I hated it, sometimes I need someone who is there for me, who loves me, who cares about me. As much as I thought about it the more tired I got which made me fall asleep in the end.


Hey there I am back after a few months/weeks with a new book!

I had a lot of things to take care of, my summer break is gonna ending next Friday, during the summer break a lot of things had happened but now I'm back!!


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