<~•^Gossip between Friends^•~>

17 0 4

As soon as we were back at my grandparents place, I immediately went upstairs into my room to take a look at my messages. There were a few from Hu Tao and Venti but the message that catched my eyes was a voice message from an unknown number, before I played the message, I took a look at the profile picture and noticed that it was a matching of Aether and someone else, I don't know why but it made sad and almost pretty angry. But then I played the voice message;

"Heya, Xiao, you probably ask yourself where I got your number from, well to answer that: it was the whole reason why I wanted to take a look at your Phone while it's unlocked, I simply wanted to get a chance to take a look at your number and as far as I know is that I can memorize a specific amount of stuff but oh well, that's not why I'm actually sending you this voice message though, I simply wanted to give you my number so that we can get to know each other more and better, I mean you can also call me whenever you want"

I simply replied with "hi"

Then I waited for his reply, for a literal hour.



I'm starting to hate him honestly.

But do I really hate him?


I think that I might be building a good friendship with him first before going further into a relationship.

Yeah that may be good.

I'll ask Hu Tao for advice since she helped me out the most other than Venti he just says bullshit like it's a normal thing to do.

Speaking of the devil, she's just calling right now. Oh here we go...



"Is something wrong~?"

"No, Tao, it's just.."

"Just what~? Are you finally planning to confess to Venti~?"

"No!! I don't have a crush on him!"

"Is that so~~?"

"Yes, I'm not having a crush on Venti anymore"

"Woah, woah, woah!! Stop there!"


"Of course you do"

"No, I have a crush on someone else"

"Are you serious?! Venti just planned your future with him being married to you"

Hearing her say that almost made me feel the urge to vomit. Honestly Aether is way better than Venti.. but what if these two would actually meet? Then it would probably be murder and manslaughter or something like that..

"I'll tell you something about him but only if you promise to keep it a secret for now"

"Of course, anything for my bestie~!"

"Well.. you see, he seems to be a caring person.. he's nice and... Lovely but also... Pretty.. beautiful.. mezmerising.. he's perfect... He doesn't even drink like Venti.."

"What's his name?"

"It's Aether"

"God of light? Huh?"


"The meaning of his name"

"Well.. I mean.. he's just as bright as light.. so.."

"So he's blonde?"


"Long blonde hair?"


"Glowing, gold-yellow eyes?"


"Oh! Now I know! He's Albedo's cousin!!"

"He is?"


"That's new to me.."

"Well.. I've heard that he'll transfer to our school after the summerbreak"

"Are you for real?!"


"But school's tomorrow already.."

"I know"

"I was visiting him earlier though"

"Oh really?"


"Well, Albedo and I talked earlier where he told me that Aether will transfer to our school, he also told me that his mother told him to move to his father who's also living in Liyue"

"How weird.."

"I guess, I've also heard that Lumine is an egoistic little bitch"

"I know, she threw a book against Aether's forehead and is then saying 'I love my twin so much' which is a literal lie"

"What a weird girl"

"I know right"

"Well anyway, I have to hang up now, before i'll forget to pack my school stuff haha!"

"Alright then, see you tomorrow"

"Yo, see ya"

After the call ended I sighed heavily, should I ask him if it's true or not? I'll better ask him tomorrow..

I'm too tired now...

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