<~•^Meeting him^•~>

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As soon as we were there we've went to the house of my grandparents where we stayed at to celebrate my grandpa's birthday. He was turning 89 on Monday which is pretty old actually, as we were at my grandparents house they greeted us with a hug. It was.. warm.. maybe I'm getting too less hugs but I'm also too lazy to ask someone for hugs, maybe that should change.. but let's put it into the future and concentrate on important things. My grandparents told us that the friend of them died. Does that have anything to do with the meeting with Jean and her kids? Either way it should be something different.. I'm curious to see the twins, how they are and if they'll understand me.

Well I guess I have to wait, I hate waiting, I'm way too impatient to sit still and wait until my parents are saying that we're going to them, but I guess I have to wait a few hours. Then there it was, my father who yelled my name from downstairs to which I immediately ran downstairs. I bumped into him since I've didn't seen him infront of me.

He said "we're going to Jean now, Qiqi stays here since she doesn't want to go with us"

"Oh I see, finally some silence on the way" I replied

My father just chuckled at my reply and he agreed, the three of us not to mention Ajax made our way to Jean, the way there was quite silent but really enjoyable. It took them almost an hour to find a parking lot until a blond woman stood there next to the window.

"Hello there, you can park over there" she said, pointing towards an empty parking lot.

"Hey there, Jean, thanks for showing" my father replied and drove towards the parking lot.

"Long time no see, Zhongli!" Jean said, hugging my father

"It really was a long time when we last seen each other" he replied friendly.

Jean then nodded and led us inside her house, directly into the living room, which was nicely decorated, but the first thing I've seen were two blond's, one was reading a book and the other was tapping on their phone, were this perhaps the twins my father mentioned before? Well these two looked like girls, one of them looked up to take a look at me.

"These two a-" Jean said before she got interrupted by one of them.

"Mom, cut it out, I can introduce us" the blonde with the book in the hand said, which was definitely a girl.

"Alright, alright, sorry, hun" Jean replied

"This shit is getting way too much for me, just say our names, or should I do that for you, dear sister?" the other said. Which made me surprised, the voice sounded like a male, did I really assumed that he was girl? God how embarrassing..

"Aether!" The girl said angrily.

"Lumine" he said while laughing a little

"Shut up, little girl" I said, trying to fit into Aether's personality. Lumine glares at me and then at Aether. He laughed at what I've just said but then turned serious again.

"Just throw whatever you want to throw, but please not towards me, not again, he said that" He said, pointing at me, I just looked at them innocently, trying to avoid that something get thrown across the room, especially when there are also some adults in the room. Then suddenly..

~Thud~ (pls pretend that a book had hit someone, I'm not good at writing sounds lolz)

The book which Lumine was reading had hit Aether's head but he just laughed it off like it was nothing. It was obvious that it had hurt him, still he acted tough about it and tried to play it cool, and yet you can see that he was in pain. Lumine simply laughed at that, obviously not interested in the whole situation. Aether just put a hand on his forehead, rubbing the spot where the book had hit him.

"LUMINE!" Jean yelled all of a sudden, making almost everyone jump in surprise, I wasn't surprised to hear her yelling like that since she seemed to like to yell. During their conversation which had sound like they were talking about their childhood and she mostly yelled her own name like her mother seemed to like to do when she did something bad.

"Mom.." Lumine said, obviously regretting what she did, she seemed to know what would happen, but I don't wanna know what would happen. So I stayed quiet and waited for whatever would happen next.

"Apologize to Aether" she said with a stern but still friendly sounding voice. Lumine just shook her head, smiling teasingly which made Jean ground her  annoying daughter. During everything that happened between Lumine and Jean made me decide:

I don't want to have a mother like Jean.

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