
16 0 5

(I know it's been a while since I've Last updated this book)

Did I just seen correctly? Venti sitting on the floor in front of Aether, he was covered in bruises while Venti sat there with a few scratches. The best thing was that Aether's iPad-screen was broken but that's not everything, Albedo was also there, holding Aether close to him once more.

"So, Aether, tell me why" Albedo said before getting interrupted by Aether.

"How am I supposed to react if he's making fun of my dead father and then breaks my iPad?!" Aether said almost yelling out loud.

"He did what?" I asked unable to believe that. Albedo glared at Venti and then at Aether while saying angrily to his cousin;

"It's your first fucking day at this school and you're already starting fights"

Aether remained silent. I swear I've seen him frowning, He looked at me quite sadly and I gave Venti a look to tell him 'apologize'. Guess what?

I've spoke too soon. Aether looked down at Venti. The tension between them grew more and more by the time being. Then there it was;

A heavy sigh escaping Aether's mouth. He reached out his hand towards Venti.

"You know, I tried to get a good friendship with you, Venti and I'm sorry for overreacting like that, it's pretty unlike me.. but I guess that's just how I am when it comes to insult a dead family member of mine" He said quietly. Venti took his hand and got pulled up by Aether.

"I'll pay the the display restore from your iPad" Venti replied while smiling, what are they planning to do? Will they be good friends or are they just pretending to get along with each other for now?

Anyway I'll just watch their moves closely to prevent more bullshit to happen. I smiled and stood there, watching the situation. I wanted to interrupt them but I didn't. I made a move by walking closer to them thinking that one of them would start a fight once more. I swear I wanted to burn down that place if they'd start fighting again.

Venti laughed at Aether and pushed him down on the ground. Aether just smiled but his expression said something different I could clearly hear what Aether quietly said;

"Stop this pain
Leave me alone
I don't want it"

The pain in his quiet soft voice could clearly be heard he looked over to me. I sigh and walked over to Venti, everyone stared at me as if I'm about to so something bad, oh well, I guess I should leave him alone

For now.

Aether grinned as he got up and collected his stuff, stuffed everything into his bag before he walked up towards me, leaning close to me.

"I'll be gone for now, visit me later after class, Xiao, so that we can walk together" Aether said as he slowly disappeared to his math class. He left me there while I was blushing really hard. Albedo smirked at me while Venti glared at me. I laughed it off with a simple smile.

'weird.. why do I want to chase after him and walk him to his class..?' I guess I should also go to my next class. With that said I said goodbye to Albedo and Venti and then went upstairs into the classroom where my next class was, I quickly fished out my phone from my pocket and randomly texted Aether.


Hey Aether :)


I'm bored asf

Same but hey, at least
we can txt for the last 15
minutes before class

I guess but it would
still be boring
without you in class

Awh, that's so nice of
you to say</3

Don't say anything like
this ever again

Why? Do you hate
being a nice person
this much?

No but it's weird

Weird? Like how?

It's unusual for me
to be this nice yk


Why you laughing?

Because I can

You're mean actually
but I like it honestly

I know, that's what
my father once said

Not my problem at all

Thanks for being
such a nice friend

You're welcome

You piece of shit

I'm not your mirror

I know but still



Anyway, i'll pick you up
after class, alright?

Yeah, I don't mind that
see you soon after class

I can't wait to talk to
you in real life once
again, txting doesn't
feel realistic to me


The bell just rang and signaled that class was about to begin so I put my phone back into my pocket and then I put the books on the table, while waiting for the teacher to arrive but he never did. Ten minutes already passed and he still didn't showed up. Maybe he's sick of my course. I would understand that because it's pretty loud and not working on tasks. After five more minutes He "finally" arrived.

"Good afternoon, students, I'm sorry for being fifteen minutes late, I had to take a student to the infirmary but, now I'm here"

He apologized for being that late, I shouldn't complain about it since I despise school really much. That stupid teacher finally started class and it felt like five minutes until class was over. I packed my stuff together and hurried out of the classroom to walk towards the classroom where Aether was to wait for him. After I've put the my bag on the floor, I tapped on my phone to pass some time. I got completely off guard by someone who tapped on my shoulder.

I looked back at the person just to see Aether who was giggling at me. I sigh and smiled at him.

"I'm really thirsty and I forgot to buy something to drink so, do you have something to drink for me?" Aether asked me kindly, I don't know why but instead of replying to his question I've just said, while hoping not to get rejected, thinking that it would be the right time to ask him;

"Do you wanna go on a date with me?"

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