<~•^A hateful day^•~>

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I woke up at the sound of my phone alarm and then I looked at the time.


I'll sleep a little more...


I got woke up by a little girl...

Oh it was just my little sister..


"Xiao!!! You're late"


"It's 7:15am"


I'm late... And that at the first day of school..

Ugh.. I really have to use the bus now..

I hate it, really, REALLY hate it.

But I don't have to be spoiled like Aether's sister, like for real, she looks so egoistic especially when she's wearing make-up, she's probably wearing it because her mirror would break. Enough talking about her, I have more important things to do.

As soon as I was at the railroad station, I got greeted by two annoying people, one of them smelled like alcohol which everyone knows of by now.

"Venti, did you drink again?" I asked, already knowing the answer by smelling the alcohol.

"Yes, he did" Hu Tao replied and it was totally obvious by how strong the smell was. It was almost burning through the nose.

Then suddenly, Hu Tao almost screamed. Venti and I also got wettened by the water which got shot towards us. It was refreshing cold but also a bit too cold despite the small cooling wind. Hu Tao really screamed quietly as she got shot with water.


"Sorry about that, Hu Tao, but people lemme introduce you to my ugly cou-" Albedo said but quickly got interrupted by a shot of water.

"AETHER" Albedo yelled loudly, when the other blonde actually came out of their hiding spot, to my surprise, it really was Aether. So Hu Tao didn't lied about it after all.. how nice.. then I got another shot of water which made me kinda annoyed. But now I knew who was shooting with water the whole time.

"Reply your messages next time" Aether said with an annoyed tone in his voice. He then turned to Venti and simply smiled at him, Hu Tao began to play with Aether's hair to which He surprisingly didn't reacted to. Aether also gave Albedo the watergun back and then stood next to him.

"So you're that weirdo who is trying to build up a good friendship with Xiao?" Venti asked with a tone no one actually knew he could have. It sounded kinda rude but also pretty annoyed. It already makes me uncomfortable though.

"Nope, I don't know him, I just know my cousin plus, I know that you seem jealous because I also get attention from you beloved crush" Aether replied sarcasticlly, it was obvious that these two aren't liking each other, well I can't tell if Aether dislikes him or not.

"You sure do have the courage to speak to me like that, are you talking to your dead father like this too?" Venti said with a little aggressive sounding voice, it was obvious that he was ready to fight.. it's something that I didn't knew about Venti and that made me kinda scared.

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