Chapter 13: The Next Stop

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Being on the Robin Gallery for almost a week already agitated Anna and her friends and they couldn't be more eager for Golden Eye to drop them off in Pazatrille. Since the battle with the Daaphelia, they were uneasy with the idea that the pirates could find them out at any time.

After their conversation in the kitchen, Anna and her group hadn't been able to catch each other again, in an effort to avoid drawing more suspicion to them. Anna had been mostly around either Maximus and Sven while she'd only been around Kristoff a few times and was Eugene once.

At this moment, Anna was in the kitchen with Maximus. Golden Eye had ordered her to make dinner for everyone and didn't bother to tell her what to make. All she knew what to make was hazelnut soup, therefore she decided to serve everyone that meal. Fortunately, she remembered the ingredients and how to make it from when Rapunzel showed her and Elsa when she first arrived in Arendelle.

Anna placed a large pot with boiling water on the table and scratched her head playfully. "Now, what do I do next? Ah, I know!"

She grabbed some hazelnuts and dumped them in the pot. Maximus handed her some parsnips and Anna smiled and thanked him before she grabbed a spoon and started stirring it. The steam was going in her face and she did everything she could to avoid knocking the pot over. It had happened to her before in Olina's kitchen back in Arendelle.

"Well, what do you think, Max?" Anna asked, peering over at him with a smile. "Do we have ourselves a soup?" Maximus smiled and neighed back at her. "Perfect!"

Now, this was a good soup and she couldn't wait to feel the creamy taste on her taste buds. Much better than that no good, gross artsoppa. There was no way that people wouldn't enjoy this meal.

"This is so much fun!" Anna stirred the large spoon around. "Look out, Max, Chef Anna is at your service!" She let out a small gasp. "Hey, maybe I could become a chef! I don't see why not! I could renounce my title and then open up my own restaurant! Oh, maybe even my own bakery! I make snowman cookies!" Her face fell once she realized that she doesn't have much experience in cooking. She shrugged and said, "Eh, probably not."

Maximus lifted his ear and went over towards the door and leaned his ear against it. Anna kept her eyes on him while she continued to stir the soup.

"Max? Did you hear something?"

She froze and waited for Maximus to answer her. Shortly after, Maximus backed away from the door and went over to her as the voices of Kristoff and Sven rose in the background.

When the door opened, Anna and Maximus peered over and watched Kristoff and Sven walking into the room.

"Hey, guys!" Anna chirped, stirring the soup. "Look what I'm making! Hazelnut soup! Isn't that nice?"

Her smile faded when she noticed that Kristoff and Sven had serious expressions on their faces. She and Maximus locked eyes before turning back to them.

Kristoff took a glance outside the door before peering back at Anna. "Did Eugene talk to you yet?"

"I haven't talked to him since this morning. Why?"

For a moment, Kristoff was still, causing Anna and Maximus to stare at him in concern. Sven furrowed his eyebrows at him.

"You might as well tell her," Kristoff said, doing his voice for Sven. "She's probably going to hear about it anyway."

Kristoff nodded. "Okay, okay. I'll tell her Sven!"

Anna felt the spoon fall into the large pot. "Tell me what?"

Kristoff ran his fingers through his hair, sighing. "I don't know how to tell you this." He sighed before he put his hand down. "Okay, last night, Sven and I heard someone looking through our things. This morning, I told Eugene this and he said that he's heard someone sneaking around our room ever since the battle."

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