《To my George》

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To the one who has captured my heart,

They say 'love at first sight' is true

And believe me, I totally agree

Right there from afar

As soon as I saw you enter that coffee shop

Where I always go to every weekend

The bell chiming that caught my attention, as I looked up

I swear I felt like my heart skipped a beat

The way you looked adorable and huggable in that blue sweater you're wearing

The way you gently held that cup when you walked away from the counter, as you sat down across me and took a sip

The way your beautiful brown doe eyes darted outside, as you admired the sky and the cars passing by

Then, when the outside seemed to make you uninterested, your eyes trailed away from the glass window

And that's where you met mine

And I swear those five seconds of staring onto each other really does made me feel like I'm in love

With two more seconds made me feel like those pretty eyes of yours will haunt me for the rest of my life

We both broke eye contact

I could clearly see you there trying so hard to hide the tinted blush on your face

I find it cute how the way you turned your head away, while trying to hide that smile with your shoulder

And all I could do was smile back

I hope you know how I felt during that encounter we had



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