《To my George》

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To the one who has captured my heart,

Never did I thought that seeing you being so lively surprised me

In a good way, though

I really thought that when I first met you

You were all quiet and shy

But now seeing you stand in front of the carnival when I asked you if you wanted to meet me there

Made me feel contented

I was startled when you then pulled my hand and dragged me across from different rides to food stalls

Though, seeing that laugh at your face when you pulled me to a line for a vikings ride, knowing that I was a bit afraid of heights

I tried to push that thought away

But as we neared the end of the line

I got nervous

And you were there to take notice of it

So, you sneaked your hand beside me and held mine against yours

And with you squeezing it for assurance made me feel slightly okay

We both got seated next to each other

I didn't realize that we were the last two people needed before the worker started the ride

The boat slowly started swaying from both sides

I could hear people cheering and screaming around us

Even though we weren't even up that high in the air, yet I already closed my eyes and held tightly on the metal bar

That's when I felt the boat now swaying a bit higher

I could distinctly hear you beside me happily screaming your heart out

And that's when I finally had the courage to open my eyes

Big mistake

We're both now so high up in the air that I started screaming, as well

And the only thought I had during that was to quickly hold your hand before I feel like I was about to fall off

You saw this and didn't mind it at all; you only held it back

I felt like it was forever when the boat still couldn't stop and kept swinging up

When it did slow down, I felt relieved

You turned your head at me and asked if I was okay

Don't worry, I am, just still a bit shaken up from the ride

As soon as we got off, you kept holding my hand and led me somewhere we could sit at

You were still worried when you felt my hands shake, but I kept telling you that I'll be fine

I could clearly see the concern in your eyes, so I did tell you that I'll be picking the ride next just to be fair

And you gladly said sure

I like how you still cared about me, even if you already knew I hated that ride



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