《To my Dream》

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My love,

I don't really know how to start

Since words can't describe you enough as the best husband ever

But thank you for the glasses

It made me truly happy to see colors in a wonderful view with you

I really can't thank you enough

Since you've already given me so much

Even though I already told you that you didn't have to

We both just sat down on the ground

With pretty flowers surrounding us

While holding onto each other's presence

I may have not been good with words towards you before

But I want to say it here right now

I'm forever grateful that I met you

You’re the best person someone could ever wish for

I love everything about you

Your beaming smile

Your contagious laugh

Your perfect personality

I love the way you care too much and how you constantly check up on me

Even at the smallest things

I love how much of a big simp you are for me

I love how you used to give up sleep and stay up late at night just to talk with me

I love how you somehow still make me smile whenever we are together

You’re my favorite person

You were already special to me when we have only met a few months after that day from the coffee shop

Time really goes by that fast, huh?

I would go on and on for a long time to tell you how much I love you

But that's not all on what I love about you

I know you have this kindness in your heart not many people can see

But I see it

I see you as a sweet, loving, and caring soul that cares about people and wants the best for them

All I’m saying is

Thank you for everything you have ever said and done

It means a lot to me

And it made such a big impact on my life

Just imagine if I never went to that coffee shop

If I ignored my mum telling me that it has been awhile since I went out

I don’t think I’d be the person I am today

After that

You got us back home

And did our usual thing

We cuddled

Watched some movies

You even cooked dinner for us

Then we slept in the same bed

Dozing off for the night

Thank you for taking me to that flower field

I really loved it

Even though I have said this countless times already

I would like to say it again

I love you so much

I hope you never forget that



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