《To my George》

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To the one who has captured my heart,

They say that life is an open book

That are full of blank pages

You write the story as you go

But for me, I would like to write the story with you

So, we both would know

What fate had in store for us

And for me to go back through it

Whenever I want to

You stood there mindlessly reading a book you grabbed from the shelf

And you knew I wouldn't resist you taking me to the library that you've talked about

I found a table and chairs for us to sit at while you instantly went to one of the bookshelves

I let you do so

And while I was just sitting there, blankly staring, I just so happen to see my friends there, too

Who are both now also dating

So, when you came back

A book about mineralogy in hand

I introduced you to them

My friend Sapnap even thought I was your boyfriend

I laughed at him and told him that I am

And you were there beside me in a flustered mess

When Sapnap and his boyfriend offered to sit with us

You gladly said yes

Specifically, because it seemed like you wanted to talk to Karl

So, we both sat down

They both were reading a book, and so did you

In fact, I was the only who didn't have a book

I don't even remember since when Sapnap started liking books

Maybe it's because he simps for Karl too much

You told me that we both could share the book you're holding

You started flipping through the pages

Until a page caught your eye about different crystals and fossils

You started reading

But I ignored those information in small fonts and pointed at the images beside it instead

I heard you giggle when I pointed at a picture of a sapphire

Not only because it reminded me of you

But because it's also your favourite colour

You kept reading and I only looked at it


More like I was looking at someone

And that someone was you

Reading didn't really interested me

But your pretty face did

When you caught me staring, you smiled then proceeded to talk to Karl across from us

Since you told me that he might understand you better

That's not fair

Because to me it looked like he was grabbing all of your attention

When I'm the only one who's supposed to do that

Fine, maybe I should grab a book, too

And I'm glad it work

I should really do this often, huh?



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