《To my George》

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To the one who has captured my heart,

I don't really know what to say

You're the best thing that has ever happened to me

I swear to god, how did I deserve someone so charming and kind-hearted like you?

I hope this finds you wrapped in warmth and happiness

For that's how you make me feel every single day

From the moment our paths crossed, my life has been forever changed

Your presence brings a lightness to my heart and a smile to my face that cannot be put into words

You have shown me a love that is pure, genuine, and unconditional

I cherish every moment we share together

With you, I feel safe, loved, and understood

I want you to know that my love for you knows no bounds

I seriously can't imagine a future without you by my side

In your arms, I have found my sanctuary, my solace, and my forever home

Even though you've called me an idiot for saying this over and over again

I won't and I will never stop saying this

I love you so much

I hope you know that

With all my love,

Yours forever,


(alternative ending bc why not)

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