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It isn't romance.

It's been a week since that incident in the examination room. In the midst of that firestorm of a kiss, Harry had regained some semblance of control and rational thought. He quickly stepped back, an apology on the lips. Malfoy, for his part, had nonchalantly waved it off and continued to cast a physical spell on him in which was what he intended to do in the first place. Like nothing had happened. Like it didn't matter to him.

Afterwards, Harry tried - Godric Gryffindor, he really tried - to avoid the blonde as much as possible without raising any eyebrows. It should've been easy considering the fact that they pushed Teddy's birthday party back a week. But Malfoy was just to close for comfort. They constantly ran into each other when they were out and about. Harry knew that it was only a matter of time before something similar happened. Like last time. And he was right. 

Luna would practically murder him if she ever found out that he'd taken up with Malfoy once more.

A rather pathetic excuse of a tried smile twists Harry's lips, he pushed himself off of the bed and wandlessly summons his scattered clothing that painted the floor.

"Leaving already?" Malfoy asks in his incredibly sexy morning voice, stretching languidly, unabashed, despite his nakedness. "Stamina not up to snuff today?" He smirks; Smoke-grey eyes trailing their way down Harry's body leisurely.

"Early start tomorrow." Harry shrugs, quickly putting his clothes back on.

He keeps his face averted. It's definitely getting harder to keep his feelings in check. He knows that it's only a matter of time before he lets it slip why he's been so secretive lately.

He can't let that happen.

Schooling his face into casual indifference, Harry turns to look at Malfoy, "The room is already paid for." He draws his wand, keeping it tightly griped in his left hand. He tilts his head, lips quirking into a lopsided smile that doesn't quite meet his eyes, "Feel free to stay the night."

Malfoy doesn't speak. he merely stays at Harry; his grey eyes akin to bottomless pools, blank and devoid emotion.

It's suddenly all to much.

Closing his eyes to hide the pained look on Malfoy's face, Harry thinks-

Anywhere but here.

A loud crack of disapparition accompines Harry as he vanishes amidst a swirl of magic.


Harry stares blankly at the ceiling of his bedroom, willing his wildly spinning thoughts to stop. He had barely been sleeping a wink. He hadn't had a good night sleep in weeks. The only reason he'd managed to pull of the facade of a perfectly sound and healthy Harry Potter is the fact that he'd taken to drinking Dreamless sleep on nights when he has Quidditch practice and training the following day. It's worked out so far, but he knows he has to stop soon so he doesn't get hooked on the stuff.

He'd never hear the end of it from Luna. 

Harry sighs, swinging his long legs to the side as he sits up. Casting a quick, wandless tempus, he grimaces when he realises he roughly has an hour before he has to meet Luna for lunch. 

Harry squeezes his eyes shut, letting his head full into his hands. He inhales a shuddering breath, fighting to control his chaotic emotions when he feels his magic start to thrum in the air. He simply can't find the energy to fic his whole flat if he ends up reducing it to rubble.

Besides, he made a wild decision. He needs to leave. It's the only way to excuse himself from the enormous web of lies that Malfoy had inflicted around themselves.

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