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destini meridith griffin


*11 years ago (6 yo)

it was a cold winter afternoon on december 15th, five days before destini's birthday.

robert, her dad, destini and her older brother issac were in the  waiting room at the hospital. they were waiting for a doctor to come and tell them her mom was ok.

her mom, meridith has stage three cancer.

"family of ms griffin?" the doctor called and the three looked up.

"yes thats me im her husband and these are our children" robert said.

"oh well thats nice but i have some news and you guys might wanna sit down" the blonde hair colored women said.

robert sighed and told issac to go grab his sister.

"nini come on" destini looked up from her ipad, grabbed issacs hand and got up.

they followed the doctor to one of the rooms they had in the back.

once they sat down the doctor started to talk while they listened.

"so as you know ms griffin has cancer right?" the doctor asked and robert nodded.

"so we thought the cancer was going away but it actually spread.... and im so sorry to tell you that there is no treatment for her cancer" the doctor told them sadly.

robert heavily sighed and started rubbing his beard, it was something he did when he was nervous or anxious.

while next to him destini was being her shy self, not really knowing waht was going on. always nervous like she always is. but whenever she was with her mom she was never nervous, thats what she wanted right now.

"meridith sadly only has a week and some days to live so therefore she must be on bed rest for the next couple days because" and robert was about to break down but couldn't because he had to stay strong for his kids.

"sorry can you give us a moment?" robert croaked out and the doctor nodded.

"daddy i miss mommy where is sheeee?" she dragged out while frowning, asking him.

"um nini shes coming back in a lil bit but when we get home shes gonna have to stay in bed for a while" he said to her and her frown deepened.

"does she have to be in bed because shes sleepy?" she asked.

"no nini shes not sleepy she sick and has to stay in bed" robert the destini.

"oh ok" nini mumbled while picking at he skin on her fingers.

(five days later, christmas eve)

the kids were cuddled up in there parents room watching christmas movies.

they were watching the nightmare before christmas.

destini was cuddles in between her mom and issac next to his dad with their dog charlie laying on his back at the end of the bed.

meridith was feeling weak and fragile, her breathing pattern was shallow. she knew what was happening and that its was time.

"mommy are you ok?" destini called out looking up at her mom noticied she looked a little pale.

meridith look down at and smiled weakly.

"yea sweetie im ok" she said as her voice came out hoarse.

that made robert and issac pop up.

"baby are you sure your okay?" robert asked with a worried face.

she nodded sluggishly and said "you guys know i love yall right" they all nodded nervously and robert grabbed her hand and rubbed circles on it. "i may not be here but i want you you guys to keep being you and dont let anybody change that about yall" she told them feeling herself get weaker by the second.

"issac and nini come give me a hug" she said as tears formed im her eyes.

the kids sat up from there spot in the bed and scooted over to their mom to her hug.

"ma why you crying" issac asked while wiping her eyes.

she just shook her head, kissed both of the foreheads and hugged them tighter.

"you dont need me to break out of your shell destini, just find you just have to trust yourself" meridith  whispered in her ear and felf destini crying on her sholder.

a little bit later of the kids cuddling with meridith, robert decided to join.

they all felt meridiths grip loosen on them and they looked up.

"daddy whats wrong with mommy?" young destini asked her dad while wiping her tears.

"she um- uh- shes jus- baby mommys just sleep for a little bit" robert told her while looking at issacs expression, he knew that his mother near dead.

"oh" after she said that 911 pulled up and banged on the door.

robert had called the ambulance earlier because he noticed her mood was a little off. so he called them to come around this time.

robert got up went downstairs to open the door and they rushed up stairs.

"hey! what about mommy" destini whined as issac picked her up and walked out the room upstairs since there parents room was downstairs.

destini starts squirming trying to get out of her brothers grip.

she finally gets out of issacs grip and runs down the hallway to the stairs and wasnt paying attention and skipped the first step.

"AHHH" she screamed as she fell down the stairs.

while robert was in the living room with his head in his hands he heard a big thump.

he looked up and immediately got up.

it was destini passed out on the ground.

"DOCTORS COME QUICK" he yelled sinse they were still in there room with meridith.

the doctors hurried and called an ambulance to the house.

"im so sorry to tell you this but since your daughter has suffered a really bad head injury and has a slight concussion she now has a condition call 'acoustic neuroma', its when you have a really bad head injury or have had radiation exposure to the head" the male doctor said.

"which also means she will need a hearing aid" the doctor read off the clip board.

robert sighed and rubbed his temples, trying not to cry he swallowed then lump in his throat.

"and on another note you wife meridith griffin has passed away"  the doctor told robert and gave him a sad smile before walking out the room.

robert just sat there thinking about how he will raise two kids without his loving wife. now he also has a daughter deaf in one ear.

robert just knew that it was gonna take a while to get used to not have his wife around.
𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐞 :)

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