Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

So after getting to catch up with Mark while walking Timmy had to use the restroom. "Timmy why didn't you go before we left?Were in a cave!" I said.

" I don't know I didn't think I would need to go, I thought this would go faster." Timmy said

"Well go find a mushroom or just hold it." I said

Right before I could finish my sentence he zoomed past me and ran up a hill to a mushroom. So after that weird break we kept walking to see if we can find some Diamond or emeralds because we are planning to be going to the city of Riverdell which is surrounded by a cobblestone wall and has everything from a coffee shop to a castle! People also live there and i'm thinking of moving there myself, of course with my family. So when we finally got out of the cave Sheldon got out a map and pointed out were Riverdell was.

"Down that way" he said.

so we walked down that way and got there in about 15 minutes. But most of the time we were in a boat because its across a ocean. When we got there it was about 12:21 and we decided we might be staying in a hotel here for a night or two. When we got there my wife texted me,

she said

"were are you? Did you find Mark?"

"Yes I did. We might be staying the night at Riverdell."

"Riverdell? whats Riverdell?"

"Its a very nice town with houses,hotels,shops,and a castle! I was thinking we should move here. tell me what you think tomorrow I got to go."

So after I put my phone away the guards said

"Were did you come from"

"We came from Romanville."

" Ok you may enter," he said.

When we entered there was kids playing, old people at the coffee shop, and lots of restaurants side by side. there were few houses for sell but there was one house that I really liked, it was a 2 story made of dark wood and wooden planks with a wrap around deck. I decided that this is the one. I texted my wife a picture of it and she said I'll start packing. The house was 235 diamonds or 23 diamonds and 43 emeralds. We only had 32 diamonds and 21 emeralds. I decided to get a job here.

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