Chapter 5

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It was about 7:26 and we decided it was time to go back to out hotel room. When we got there my wife called me and said

"what room are you in" why? I said.

" Im here."

So apparently my wife came here with my kids since we are moving here in a couple of weeks. so good thing that we had enough room for them to stay in the hotel.

Ralph and his friends decided to stay here but buy they're own house, so they bought a nice apartment a couple blocks away from our hotel, so now out hotel isn't so crowded its usually just my wife and kids during the day but i'm at work from 10 am to 2 pm, so then its just my wife and kids. Oh I almost forgot to tell you my wife and kids names! My wife's name is Phoebe and my son's name is Keith and my daughter's name is Naomi. Naomi is 11 and Keith is 6.

After I got back home from work I counted my payments, I got 23 diamonds! And that was just my first day to. Im going to be getting more payments each day i'm there. I've noticed that I haven't been talking about Mark, thats because Marks been taking lots of naps because he was running around a cave and he's used to me holding him when we go mining so he's really tired.


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