The rose of the princess

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The rose of the Princess

Hello my name is Aleisha Felder, Im a 17 year old girl that lives in a large town, my parents, James and Kim are the king and queen, my brother Kyle is 11 and is the prince. That makes me the princess! If you are wondering what I look like I have brown hair with blonde tips, I love wearing makeup and I am very picky about my clothes. I know you will usually think that a princess would wear a nice pink dress all the time but your wrong, I mean besides those special events I usually will wear a pair of jeans and a cute top or a skirt and cute top. Our town is filled with lots of stores, restaurants, pet daycares,schools, and a hotel. Our city is called spring view.

I was in my room and we were going to be redecorating it. Right now its pink with purple curtains and wooden floors with a white carpet and a pink queen sized bed. I was walking around town and this man was looking at me funny, "Are you the princess" he said,

" yes, why do you ask?" I said  

"My son is looking for a wife and he wants to marry a princess."

" Whoa whoa, I'm 17 " .

" He dosen't want to marry now but when you to are like 21, he just wants love."

"Ok ill give him a chance," i said. "Tell him to come to my castle tomorrow at high noon."

" Yes princess. "

He walked out of the town and into the town across the street.

The next day at 12 him and his son came in. His son was quiet good looking if you ask me. The guards introduced him.

"Princess Aleisha, I now present Trent Fenderson."

"Dear princess" '

you can call me Aleisha I said," "

ok well princess Aleisha, will you be my girlfriend."

The guard interrupted,

"Whoa whoa whoa, you two should go on a date before you start being a thing" "Good idea, "I said, "lets go to the fancy restaurant"

. So later that night Trent and I went to the fancy restaurant across the street, it was red with a big chandelier in the middle of the building. When the waiter came Trent ordered the rip tide steak with a side salad and iced tea, but being the crazy girl I am I ordered the chicken sandwich with a side of fruit and a cherry coke. Trent decided to order some bread, It was delicious. "

You look great tonight, "Trent said.

"You like my dress?" I asked

My dress was a red criss cross strap with black high heels and full make up that took me an hour and a half to do.

"You look beautiful" Trent said.

"Thank you, you look very nice too", I said.

When our food came the waiter said

"Hope you enjoy, we made sure that it was very special for our princess!"

I didn't like being pampered I wanted everyone to see me as just a normal person, but I smiled back.

"Thank you, it is very delighting!" After we ate our dinner we ordered some desert.

I got strawberry  cheesecake and he got a chocolate cake with ice cream.

When we finished our dinner Trent said he would pay for dinner and then he drove me back to my castle and said

"I had a lot of fun tonight"

"Ya me to" I said.

He kissed my cheek and gave me a rose, then he left. 

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