2.0 | Superman is Amazing

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I watch Superman fly away
You get busy day today
Go save the world, I'll be around
And I watch Superman fly away


"I still don't understand why Reo hang out with that sloppy guy,"

"I agree with you. He's weird, all he do is either sleeping or playing games alone all times,"

"I also hear he curse people that talk to him,"

A pair of eyes that had been closed since lunch fluttered open. Grey irises that always seem tired roams around the hidden garden where he slept. Only then he noticed the sunset in the sky. The school period had ended.

Once he heard they had free period after lunch, Nagi immediately disappeared to this secret place that can only be accessed by using a special route. He played several rounds of game before he found himself sleeping under the blossoming peach tree.

He already used to other students talking about him. He didn't bothered to correct them since it was too much work. As long as it didn't interfree with his current peaceful life he will not take any action. Most of them were harmless anyway.

He wanted to stand up until he saw the purple fluff ball sleeping on his lap. Nagi was speechless. He thought this time he managed to run away from this little boss.

"Now another secret place is busted.. How did he even managed to find me everytime?,"

Nagi face turning into a pout, looking into Reo's sleeping face. He wanted to wake that beautiful angel but stopped when he noticed the subtle black eyebags under Reo eyes. The pout turned into a scowl.

"He is overworking again,"

This precious Mikage's prince and him had been in contact with each other for about two months already. Nagi thought Reo at some point will give up shoving his soccer ideology to Nagi if he kept rejecting him.

However, that didn't happen.

Reo knew how to provoke and taunt him to play soccer. Without Nagi knowing, he's already at the field playing a match that he didn't even knew the reasons for what.

When that happened he just mentally screaming at himself because he fall for another Reo's scheme and swore when he got home he will go on a killing spree at his games.

These repeated events eventually made Reo became more attached to him day by day.

Every morning, the first thing he will see after he got to school was Reo because he will be waiting him at the gate.

Then both of them will walk to class together because he don't know what type of magic happened but they actually were classmate.

If Reo was free from duty at recess or lunch, they will go eat together with food prepared by Reo's maid at home.

After that, they will be having a soccer practice if only Reo managed to catch Nagi before he slipped somewhere else other than the field.

If people find Nagi weirder, Nagi find Reo even weirder. Once, Nagi even thought that Reo actually have some wrong nerves in his head.

Nagi clearly showing his disinterest to everything that Reo gave him. However, this purple bun never gave up and kept pastering and pastering Nagi. He even went to a length following Nagi wherever he went to.

"Are you stalking me?"

"No I'm not. It is what I called a-deep-research-on-someone,"

Miraculously, he did this while being busy with many other things. Student council, Mikage's things, soccer club, prep class, tutoring class and Nagi heard Reo also do some modelling job whenever offers came. This boy must be secretly a superman or something to balance all of those things.

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