0.3 | Peace

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Do you remember, we were sittin' by the water?
You put your arm around me for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful kid
You are the best thing that's ever been mine

"Reo. Can I skip practice today?"

"We didn't have one today Nagi,"

"Ehh we didn't? Then this thing is useless,"

"You did an essay for your excuses?"

Classes ended with frowns and grunts from the students. Their test just now will be their carry marks for the midterm exam. The questions were quite... interesting that some student just decide to leave it as pretty as how they came.

Nagi almost threw away the essay he wrote to the dustbin. However, Reo managed to caught the crumpled paper first before it went for a score. What a good GK.

"I thought you do your shopping online?" Reo asked after reading the first reasons out of seven others.

"Read the next one. My phone's screen got cracked," Nagi clicked his tounge, annoyed.

"Are you sure it's not the protector only?,"

Nagi showed Reo his Redmi. Indeed a beautiful crack was engraved on both screen and its glass protector.

"You remember the stray dog we found last week? Well, I lost my phone at the field this morning and met him. I jokingly said if he can find my phone I'll reward him a snack..." Nagi explained. His voice was muffled by his own arms as he laid his head on the desk.

"... I guess he did find it but he bite on your phone too hard," Reo continued Nagi words. Nagi lifted his head and nod at him.

"... and that bring us to the third paragraph. His proud face is too cute that I can't get mad at him. I thought I should go buy some for him at the pet store while shopping,"

Reo chuckled at that. He can't hide the fact that he really wanted to ruffles the fluffy white hair in front of him. His treasure was too precious. Nagi was annoyed by that, his hair was already untameable and Reo just made it worse.

"Then how about this going to arcade, game launch event, food fair and... going to the river? What's up with the last one?" Reo read the entire paper. His face was smiling but turned confused because the last reason stated that Nagi just wanted to.

Nagi turned his face sideway, opposite of Reo. Reo did notice his ears were red. The purple bun was on the verge of bursting with uwus right now.

"It's personal Reo..."

This time Reo was the one turning away, holding his face. What's up with this guy today? He's too cute. Reo was too lucky to find this big ass chick for himself.

"But from what I read this sound like a plan. A date I suggest?" Reo grinned. He glanced at Nagi with a teasing eyes.

Nagi messed his hair, a little annoyed. "Fine fine. I admit I just wanted a me-time. Test just ended. It's time for my self-love, Reo".

Reo didn't expect that. He wanted to tease Nagi for getting a girl secretly and going on a date. But that dead expression scream otherwise. Did he just really wanted an alone time? Reo somehow mentally sigh in relief.

"I don't care if you wanted to follow me.. but knowing you, you must be busy after this," Nagi said without looking at Reo. He get up and started to gather his books and stationary on the desk.

Reo got irked at that statement. His tongue pushed his left cheek making it puffed out.

"Hey I do know to enjoy my own time! That's it I'm following you,"

SPEAK (nagireo)Where stories live. Discover now