7.0 | Eleven and Iris

430 20 15

So as long I live I love you
Will have and hold
You look so beautiful in white

"Reo, why are you calling?"

"Hello, I found this number in Reo emergency contact so.."

One thing Nagi knew about the young Mikage is he had a routine. Ok, maybe not routine, but once Reo got his schedule sorted he will follow it intentively. If his plan that day is interrupted he will be mad and moody all day. Especially if it was sudden with no notice at all.

Thus, receiving a call at midnight was really weird to Nagi. Nagi is pretty informed with the heir's life because Reo complained to him every morning when they met at school gate. As far as Nagi remembered the young Mikage was having a photoshoot after school today and nothing after that.

"He is drunk? What do you mean?" Nagi brows furrowed. Who the hell give a minor alcohol?

"Somebody swapped his drink?," the person on the other line seemed uncertain.

Nagi scowled at that stupid excuse. He just back from a game convention and on his way home from Shibuya with several paper bags from his haul. You could say he was pretty tired right now and only want a rest right after he hit the bus.

Suddenly, he heard a commotion happening in front of him.

Nagi blinks several times to confirm what he saw. It was Reo with several well-dressed person which Nagi recognised from tv comercials. He silently cursed under his breath and talked to the phone in his hand.

"Are you guys the one in front of the Italian restaurant near Shibuya crossing?" Nagi asked which the person answered with a yes.

Nagi went near them. Once he entered the scene, all eyes turned to him. There he saw Reo face all flushed, eyes hazy. Nonetheless, when he met Nagi's dead silver eyes his purple pair instantly sparkled.

"NAGi!" Reo jumped into Nagi, obviously really drunk since he also give the taller a kiss in the cheek.

Fortunately, Reo's intense training regiment had made Nagi pretty bulk up from before. He easily caught the drunk prince in his arms like a bride. Bride? Why Reo is wearing a wedding dress?

"Are you this Nagi person that's been on the line with me?" a recognizable voice greeted Nagi.

Nagi showed his still ongoing call to the raven hair. He nodded in approval.

"What happen?" Reo cuddled into Nagi chest like a cat. Nagi couldn't help but made an amused face at his boss.

"We are having an after party after the shoot. Reo got dared to wear a wedding dress for several rounds but I don't know when a disgusting adult slipped an alcohol into his drink. When we realised he already acting like a spoiled kid and running everywhere. But don't worry our director had caught the instigator and took action on him," the raven said.

Then a strawberry blond guy entered their convo with a smirk, " It was a pretty amusing sight tho seeing the calm and composed Reo suddenly when chaotic like that. If I didn't owe him something I would be glad to post this on SNS to create a scandal,".

He got smacked immediately by the raven ," That your senior kid. Show some respect!,".

"Whatever. But we knew how crazy strict that guy parents can be. That's why we called the first person we see in his contact , not his household. We will leave the responsibility to you then," the blond said before he went inside his car parked at the roadside.

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