3.0 | To the Sheffield

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Our story was beautiful,
You left me with memories,
Please don't forget
That it means more than this

"I don't expect all of your plans to be on the same place"


The white and purple couple sat at the clearing beside the river. Nagi's bicycle was parked near them. Since there's also many other people were hanging out around them.

To conclude what had happen from previous flashback, Reo and Nagi went on an outing (date) as planned by Nagi.

Upon arriving, both of them were pretty shocked with the amount of people at the mall. Apparently, the food fair was held outside the mall while the game launch event in the inside of it.

They started with fixing Nagi's smartphone. Unfortunately, the problem was bigger than they expected that forcing Nagi to pull out his secret gold credit card, that even Reo not known of its existence.

Reo being a loyal IOS user tried to convice Nagi into buying Iphone. Nagi however prefer sticking with android. Seeing whatever he tried went out from Nagi head, he sulked.

"Reo, this one is yours,"

"Eh for what?"

"As thanks for buying me those soccer things,"

Right after Nagi went out from the shop, he hands Reo a paper bag of the same design he was holding in another hand. It was a new smartphone, the same model as his at that.

Nagi didn't let Reo to protest by walking ahead towards the supermarket side of the mall. Little did he knew, Reo also saw the ads of couple smartphone that was on sale at the big screen outside the mall.

After groceries shopping, they move to the game launch event that Reo was so unfamiliar with. Apparently, his Nagi was one of the lucky contestant that was chosen for a handshake event with the game developers and being their first beta tester for VR version of their new project . He also got a bunch of free games from them.

Being the biggest simp of his treasure, Reo kept clicking his camera shutter to capture the moments. He swore that day no jewels could compete with Nagi's sparkling excited eyes when he was doing something he really love.

Then, they went for the food fair that was happening outside. The amount of people were even more than when they arrived. They almost got separated several time but lucky for them that they were tall enough to find each other when that happen.

"If you tie our wrist like this, we might as well walk holding hands too,"

Nagi suggested to tie a handkerchief on their wrist after seeing another couple did it too. Hearing that suggestion from Reo, he still tied the handkerchief but then quickly interlaced their fingers together. The purple bun face flushed immediately although he's the one who suggested it.

"There's quite a number of people here. Is there actually an event here too?" Reo looked around the clearing they sat. Other than couples (besties *cough*) there were also families setting their mat in front of them.

"I heard there's a firework show by a neighbourhood society nearby. It is a small event between them so they didn't really promote it actively," Nagi explained.

His hands were busy working on something with the flowers around them. Reo did noticed it but he didn't commented on it since Nagi looks really focused.

A couple of highschool boys decided to sit beside them. Reo noticed their holding hands and it made him remember Nagi holding his own just now. Instinctively, he glanced at his hand to Nagi's which was bigger than him. He remember how contrast Nagi cold hand to his warm one. It's a weird feeling but pretty pleasant.

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