"Little lost (Y/N)"

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Life of an ex-detective is quite random, one night you are fighting for your life and the next you are driving around town with a murder on board.

That's the situation Joseph was currently in, and the atmosphere between him and Michael remains tense and awkward, bizarre even.

To his relief Michael wasn't even looking at him, instead zooning out while staring straight ahead. If he didn't know Myers he would assume he fell asleep with his eyes open.

The tall man is currently wearing a long black cardigan with some dark pants and boots, he also had a gray striped scarf around his neck which hid part of his face. Though Michael would much rather to wear a mask it's obvious it would attract way too much attention...

Both males remained silent until they finally reached their destination. It was already pass midnight, pitch black and heavily snowing so it was expected to see barely any cars in the parking space of the hospital. However, a particular car caught Joseph's attention, noticing how little snow it had on top...

—"Logan must be here already, let's go."— he comments with a more serious tone.

Michael of corse says nothing but cooperates without a fuss, following Joseph's lead at his usual pace. Both males entered the building and quickly noticed how eerie silent and empty it is... Nevertheless, non of them payed much attention to that and the duo stormed right towards where (Y/N) is supposed to be.

But when turning a corner, the dark haired man bumped into someone.

—"Ough-... Me cago en tu puto abuelo pendej-... Oh hey Joseph! Hi-..."—

As soon as Olivia's eyes meet Michael she quickly steps behind Melanie, clearly afraid of the large man.

—"Calm down, he's good."— Joseph dryly remarks.

—"Sure sure, I remember what he did to my dog."— she says while glaring at the tall man.

—"Olivia, now it's not time for that, remember why we're looking for security."— Melanie said, her being more serious than usual.

—"Ah yes, we saw Logan at the end of one of the hallways!"— Olivia exclaims worriedly.

—"We suspect he's here to kill (Y/N) too..."— Melanie adds.

—"...'Too'?"— Joseph furrows his brows.

Before Melanie could answer, Michael suddenly storms towards the end of the hallways, his body language stiff but hostile. The trio first panicked when they heard footsteps of someone running, thinking they belong to some poor soul that had the misfortune to become Michael's target but soon realized that's not the case.

Instead they started to follow the tall man, already knowing who he's after.

—"You two, go find (Y/N) and stay with her, me and Myers will take care of Logan."— Joseph said before picking up the pace.

Olivia and Melanie nod and take a turn to another hallway, supposedly where their friend is.

But from afar they've noticed the door was completely open. A knot of dread was set in their stomach which tightened with each step they took towards the room, and when they looked inside...

—"...Wh-What... It's empty?!"— Olivia says in disbelief.

Melanie says nothing, only pokes the other girl's side and points at small drops of blood starting at the hospital bed and going all along a hallway.

They both exchange looks and wordlessly follow the drops.

. . .

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