Twenty- Three

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Willow remained on the bed, small breaths leaving her as I watched her chest rise and fall. I walked into the restroom, opening the closet and seeing towels and wash clothes. I grabbed one and ran it under warm water, wringing it out before walking back to her.

I pushed her legs open, holding one in my hand as her eyes watched me intensely. I began to clean off her thighs and intimate areas. She smiled softly at me. I kissed her thigh gently before placing her leg back down.

"Thank you." she pushed herself up onto her forearms as she stared up at me. I nodded my head softly before leaning forward and kissing her softly but passionately.

"You don't need to thank me Lowy. Let me clean up really quick and we can start to head home." I liked her name and home together. It sounded right, it sounded normal.

She nodded as she laid back down, stretching her arms over her head as she rolled over, her butt in the air as she did a downward dog pose. Before she slid off the bed and landed on her knees with an audible yawn.

I felt my dick twitch at the sight, Jesus Christ not again.

"Is that really necessary." I laughed as I walked back into the bathroom to clean myself off and to stop myself from throwing her back on the bed.

"I can't help how your dick reacts to yoga." I could hear her melodic, happy laugh from inside the bedroom and it brought a smile to my face as I rolled my eyes.

I cleaned myself off, rinsing the wash cloth off and throwing it up to dry before walking out.

"Yeah my dick is reacting to the yoga." I stop in my tracks as I watch Willow. Her back was turned to me, she was bent over pulling her shorts over her knees before she stood at her short height. She had her bra between her fingers as she guided the lace fabric over her arms.

I walked behind her and ran my fingers over her shoulders, fixing her straps as I kissed between her shoulder blades. I clasped the bra closed as I softly bit down on her shoulder as I ran my hands down her sides, feeling her flinch as a soft giggle fell from her lips, as she turned in my arms.

I looked down into her bright green eyes. I felt her stand on her toes as she leaned into me more, wanting a kiss. Which I was more than happy to oblige her with. I held her face in one of my palms as our lips met, one of her hands holding my bicep and her other holding my face. 

We pulled away but kept our foreheads together as our fingers met and entwined together at our sides.

"Nono?" She whispered out, she was staring at the floor and I felt her fingers flex in my hands.

"Yes Lowy?" I kissed her nose softly, smiling when it twitched under my touch.

"Did you mean... what you said?" I knew she was asking if I meant what I said before we had sex. But I wanted her to ask me what she wanted.

"You're gonna have to be more specific princess." I squeezed her hands gently, rubbing my thumb against her pointed fingers. I heard her softly sigh and watched her eyes close.

"W-when you said that you still want me, that I am all you'll ever want?" It fell from her lips in a soft whisper, I could hear the tears in her voice and it broke my heart. Not because I didn't mean it, because I absolutely meant every word I said and then some.

It broke my heart that she had to even ask. I closed my eyes to bid my own personal feelings away as I let go of one of her hands.

Lifting her chin so ours eyes could meet. Her eyes welling with tears before one fell down her cheek. I quickly caught it on my thumb.

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