Sixty-Two (part 1)

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A/N: I've put this off for so long. *sigh*

This is going to be three parts technically. The first two will be uploaded at the same time, the third will not.

Special HUGE thank you to Morgan for editing this so I could just write the next one. <3


I sighed as I smoothed out the black dress that hugged my body, stopping just above my knees, I slipped into a pair of black heels before looking in the mirror.

Today was the first day of the court case between Alex and I. I wasn't ready to bring light to everything that he had done to me, what his family had done. I wasn't ready to relive it all, but my boys would be there; so I'd be okay.

I searched my body for any imperfections as my eyes drifted down my arms, a smile pulling at the corners of my mouth when my eyes met the tattoo Noah had drawn for me. I stared at it, thinking back to last week when he let me finally see it.

-Flashy Flashback, One week ago-

"No peeking, Lowy."

I held both of my hands over my eyes while Noah began to take the protective covering off of my arm that was hiding the tattoo he drew for me. I was excited to see it and had pestered him about it for two weeks, until he finally laughed, breaking and agreeing to show it to me. We had just showered and I was standing in front of a mirror with my robe on, Noah bent at the knees in front of me in his boxer briefs.

"I won't, I won't! I'm so excited, Nono! What is it?!" I jumped up and down while I spoke quickly and happily, his laugh deep and quiet as he softly kissed my arm while I felt a warm towel clean where the covering was out. Getting any sticky residue or odor that may have lingered behind.

"You can open your eyes now, baby." I took my hands off my eyes, staring down at him as he was still bent at the legs and staring up at me. He stood to his full height, kissing my neck softly on his way up. He nodded his head to the mirror in front of us, where my eyes trailed down to the tattoo on my arm.

I was confused as I stared at it, it was a silhouette of a woman's body, from the neck to the thighs, arms tucked behind the body, thighs pressed together and breasts on display, a small dot for a navel.

I looked at him in the mirror, catching his watching me before he smiled.

"You don't understand it?" He questioned, I shook my head, blushing out of embarrassment. I'm sure it meant something, maybe it was something I forgot years ago. I couldn't be sure, but he put a woman's body on me?

"D-did I forget an inside joke?" I blushed deeper, feeling the heat in my cheeks before he nodded his head and trailed his long fingers down my arm to the tattoo.

"No joke, but you did forget." His hands reached around to untie my robe, his fingers tugging the satin material down my arms, letting it fall to the floor.

"You forgot who you are. You forgot your own body, you forgot how confident you were and I won't have that." As he spoke I realized he had drawn my body from memory and had Nick etch it onto my skin.

"Now when you forget, you can look down and remind yourself how perfect you are. How much I love and adore you." I stared at him in the mirror as one of his fingers traced the lines of the tattoo, his other hand running slowly down my body before trailing back up. I felt the tears well up in my eyes as his fingers traced over the small stretch marks from when I was pregnant, his fingers dancing across the small scars of  childhood years and adult years of abuse.

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