Sixty-Four (Part 3)

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Authors note: Last part of the court trial!

Side note: Happy birthday to our Nico today!!

Also thank you to everyone that got this story to 27k reads. 🥹 ❤️


The chamber doors opened with a loud creak and groan; my head snapping away from my conversation with Noah as I watched the Jury all take their seats. Violet's hand held my own tightly, Noah's hand on one of my shoulders and Nick's tightly on the other.

One of the members of the jury stepped forward as the judge routinely asked the following question; "Has the Jury reached a verdict?"

"We have your honor. We, the jury, find the defendant Alexander Prescott, Guilty."

I sighed in relief as everything became muffled around me, I felt arms wrapping around my body but all I could do was stare at the judge as he announced the sentence while Alex was being handcuffed.

"Alexander Prescott, for these charges against you here today, your court appointed sentence will be the maximum 25 years in the local state correctional facility without bail or possibility of parole." The judge slammed the gavel down, I heard a loud cry from Alex's mother.

I squeezed my eyes tightly closed, a sigh leaving my lips as Violet's arms squeezed me tightly. While she hugged me I looked over her shoulder, my eyes locking with Alex's as he was being handcuffed. His eyes pools of violence, selfishness and sadism while he screamed across the courtroom at me.

"You're fucking dead Willow!" I wasn't worried about his threat, I knew that Alex would more than likely be killed in prison and honestly, he deserved it. His whole family did. They'd get their own karma soon enough.

I smiled, waving at Alex as his eyes widened and he fought against the officers to try and reach me. I felt an arm wrap around my waist, I turned quickly and threw my arms around Noah's neck.

"He's gone."

"He's gone, baby. For good." His mouth met mine, his arms squeezing around my waist gently. I sighed, my body melting into his with happiness. I smiled against his lips, causing him to pull away and grin down at me.

"Let's get out of here you guys." Nick's hand came down to rest on my shoulder, I turned and hugged him tightly around his waist while I nodded.

"I want ice cream."

"You got it, bubs."

I held Noah's hand tightly as we followed behind Nick, down the steps of the courthouse and across the parking lot to the vehicle we rode in. Noah held the back door open for me as I slid in, Nick getting into the driver's seat before Noah's body pressed against mine.

"Noah, you're gonna be cramped back here. Get in the front with Nico. I'll be okay." I laughed, watching as he moved his legs around to try and get comfortable.

"I don't wanna sit up there with him, I wanna sit with you. Now come here." His large hands pulled me against his body, his arms wrapping around me as he dipped his head into the crook of my neck. I could hear Nick flicking through the radio stations before he landed on one and turned it up louder. 'Pink + White' by Frank Ocean played while Noah kissed my neck tenderly, before his mouth opened, his lips brushing against my skin as he spoke quietly just for us to hear.

"Are you okay?" I pulled back, adjusting my legs to straddle him before I nodded down at him. His hand raised up, tugging my lip from between my teeth.

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