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Author's Note: This chapter will feature moments over the years between Willow and Alex. Please be aware there will be abuse, triggers, mental health, suicide, and mentions of sexual assault. Read at your own discretion, please don't report my story or you will have a lot of angry people on your hands.


I exhaled the smoke into the air around me, wincing at how my mouth hurt but sighing at how the drug was numbing the pain in my face and body. Music played softly from my phone as I knocked the burning embers into an ashtray. My phone lit up as a Snapchat notification popped up, I didn't need to look to know who it was; Noah. Picking up the small device, I unlocked it in my hand and opened the app before opening the notification from him. I smiled at the image; he was on tour at a truck stop with the guys. Nick was in the photo, a caption of 'we miss you' and it brought a sad smile to my face, I swiped at my face softly. Knowing I needed to reply back to him, I took a picture of my legs in the water and captioned it.

'Meanwhile I'm alone in my own thoughts'

My phone dinged in my hand, telling me he was typing, pause, typing, pause. I smiled softly, my brow raising slightly as I knew he was struggling for what to say.

I clicked on the blue square when it appeared ; there he was. Shirtless, on the bed, his tattooed hand against his decorated chest and an insulted look on the perfect face I loved so much.

'Was that necessary, princess?' I felt my face heat up as I held my finger on the screen. Keeping it pulled up, I bit down on my lip before taking a screenshot.

'Excuse me, I didn't keep yours.' Appeared in the chat, a giggle falling from my lips.

'Mm. Sucks for you.'

I threw him a bone, taking another image of my legs, this time higher up on my thighs, leaving just enough room for his imagination to run wild. I smiled at the screenshot message.

'Are we even?' I sent, bristling when I felt the front door open and close through the bottle of the tub. I gulped softly, looking to make sure I had locked the bathroom door.

'Not until I see them in person.' I crossed my legs quickly, closing out of the app when I heard the bedroom door open. I shrunk down into the tub, holding my phone in my hand, glaring at the closed bathroom door.

Please just go to bed.
Please just go to bed.

"Honey?" His voice caused my heart rate to speed up, my hands clenching onto the phone tightly, his hand knocking against the door.

"Y-yeah?" I raised my voice, watching at the door handle twisted slightly not giving under the sturdy lock of the door. I heard Alex sigh, his hand hitting the door gently, still it caused me to flinch.

"Why is the door locked? We talked about this, doors stay unlocked here. I'm sorry Willow, you just, you make me so angry sometimes sweetie. You're making me angry." I rolled my eyes, a soft scoff leaving my lips at yet another empty apology, that was followed by a veiled threat. The normal cat and mouse game that he liked to play.

"Well you can hit me again when I get out. I'm sure you'll be waiting for me." I squeezed my eyes tightly as the statement fell from my lips. Fuck, shut up Willow.

"Willow. Come unlock this door. Right now." I could practically see the flaring nostrils and vein in his forehead through the door, I could hear his hand tapping against the door as he spoke with venom laced in each word.

"No." I gulped slightly, feeling my phone go off in my hand. The notification was loud as it echoed in the bathroom. I heard him chuckle on the outside of the door, a soft mumbled 'of course' before hitting the door.

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