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A/N: Thank you guys for 3k! 💖🥹 You sweet babies.

Happy Saturday!


I sat beside Nick on his bed as his words continued to echo through my mind.

I know he's right. I'll never heal from current trauma if I don't heal from all my past trauma. I just wasn't prepared for all of it to flood in at once.

"Don't be scared to talk to him Lilo. Let him help heal you." He squeezed my hand firmly as I sniffled and looked at him.

"I'm worried that I'll scare him off." I spoke with hesitation, picking at my shorts hem.

"You can't scare him Li. He'd tear the stars from the sky for you, just like you would. He'd walk through fire to get to you. Let him do it." He spoke before we heard a phone ding and the doorbell. Nick pulled his phone out.

"Alright buttercup, the foods here. So it's time to face the music. Don't talk about it tonight. Take a few days, but you do need to be open with him. All of it Lilo. He will catch you, you know he will." Nick spoke softly as he stood up, pulling me gently with the hand he held firmly as we walked toward the bedroom door.

We walked down the stairs, Nick in front of me as I wrapped my arms around myself while I stared down at the floor, careful of my ankle.

Nick laughed softly causing me to look up.

Noah, Jolly and Folio had built a fort in the middle of the living room. It went over the couch, and coffee table. Throw pillows on the ground around that coffee table for seating. You could still see the tv from under the sheet fort. There were twinkling lights on the sofa to light up the inside.

Whenever I was sad as a child, my pop pop would help me build a fort and we would stay in it all day and watch movies, play games or just talk.

I knew Noah was behind it the minute our eyes met. The soft and sadden look in his caused tears to well up in my own eyes. Spilling over the edge as I walked towards him, slowly. Careful of my ankle as he met me halfway. Wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head against his chest. His long arms swallowed me as he held me against him.

"I'm sorry if it hurt your feelings. I just.. I just needed Nico for that one." I spoke in a hushed voice so only my tall boy could hear me. His face pressed into my hair he nodded as he began to speak.

"I know Lowy. It's okay to need a friend. You don't need to apologize for it. Just know that I am here if you need me." I sniffled as he spoke. His hands on my lower back, gently rubbing the exposed skin.

"I will always need you Nono." I whisper as I reach up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind his ear.

"Thank you." I stretched on my toes to reach his cheek and he bent down slightly so I could before he turned his head and our lips met. I blushed as I pulled away, watching him laugh slightly as he gave my hair a soft, playful tug as it rested on my shoulder.

I walked to Jolly and Folio, hugging them both tightly.

"Thank you guys, for carrying my stuff in, doing this and having to witness my breakdowns." I laughed awkwardly, waving my hand around. Folio bumped my arm with his fist a genuine smile on his face.

"We're friends, it's what we do Wills!" Folio spoke as he hugged my shoulders, I wrapped my arms around his back. Squeezing him gently before turning to Jolly.

"Vide, I think you've earned the right to have some breakdowns. We will be here to help you through them any way we can!" He hugged me tightly, swaying me side to side until I started laughing.

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