chapter 1- accepted

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“Prongs! Prongs look! We got accepted!!!” Sirius screams to the half-asleep boy on the sofa. He groans and looks up from his tea, looking at Sirius with a disdainful expression. He sighs when he see Sirius jumping up and down, clutching a letter in his hands.

“Got accepted into what, padfoot?” His voice sounds as though he's talking to a child and Sirius knows it. But he's wayyyy to happy to give a shit.

“Okay, okay. Don't get mad but a while ago I saw this poster in a shop somewhere that was a kinda audition for a music competition TV show that is being made and I thought that it would be a great idea to put the marauders forward for it because we're amazing and would definitely win. So I did and I hadn't heard anything so I thought that maybe they just didn't like our music and couldn't be arsed to send a reply so I forgot, naturally. Anyway, WE GOT A REPLYYYYY! AND IT SAYS WE'RE INNNN!” Sirius starts to dance around waving the letter about the apartment. James pushes himself off the sofa and grabs Sirius and the letter.

“Stop running around before you break something and show me that bloody letter, I need to see this myself before I believe you.” He snatches the letter out of Sirius' hands and reads through it. Then reads through it again, and again. Until he lets out a whoop and drags Sirius to dance. After a while he stops and runs to his room shouting at Sirius to call Peter and Regulus, their other bandmates, to get their arses   to the studio. He grabs his music and his and Sirius’s guitars and once he sees Sirius off the phone grabs his hand and drags him to the studio, wanting to celebrate their success and he wants a place where no one will judge him for screaming in excitement.

Some 3 hours’ drive from there a similar but slightly more subdued conversion, is happening amongst a group of friends.

“Remus. Look at this.” Lily Evans voice says calmly to the boy who's sat reading in an armchair, wrapped in blankets. He looks up and immediately his eyes widen and a smile lights up his face. He takes the envelope from lily's hands and as she sits back down holding her coffee to her chest he looks towards the cluttered hallway.

“MARLENE! MARY! DORCAS! COME SEE THIS!” all three of the girls run out of their rooms and plop down on the sofa opposite Remus's chair, none of them wanting to jog lily and her coffee.

“Is that what I think it is Rem?” Dorcas asks Remus once she spots the envelope. He smirks and nods. His hands, seeming to have a mind of their own, rip the letter out and he skim reads it. He looks up at lily and nods.

“We got in?” She asks, her voice raising about three octaves.

“We got in.” He says back sounding like he's in disbelieve. There are various laughs and shouts from the group and soon enough their picking their instruments up and messing about with whatever comes to mind.

Chapter one done guys. Hope your as exited to read this as I am to write it. quite a small one to start it off, just to set the scene. From now on I will say what groups pov its from and just do it like that, maybe switch up at some point and 1st perspective but I will make that clear if the time ever comes. Drink some water and have a great day. x

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