chapter four- first meal

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Saving Remus

The apartment was about the same size as their normal one but it was definitely cleaner, and whiter. Remus was determine to keep it that way. while the girls picked their rooms he was stood checking all the bands socials and the looking up and cleaning up after his bandmates. Soon enough everyone has assigned their rooms and are now unpacking with music blearing through a speaker placed in the hallway.

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS WEARING?" Marlene shouts out of her doorway over the music. Remus sticks his head out and shout back at her.

"OUR THEME FOR TONIGHT IS DARK BLUE AND BLACK. YOU CAN THROW SOME BLACK OR RED IN AS WELL. SO WE ALL MATCH!" Marlene throws him a thumbs up. Just as Remus closes his door Lilys head pops out of her door and she sneaks out and knocks quickly on Remuss door, not even waiting for an answer, she opens it and slides into his room. Hes shirtless and is currently rummaging through his draws trying to find his blue shirt.

"what time do we need to be there tonight?" she asks after a while of watching him searching. He jumps and spins around, holding a hand to his heart as he takes deep breaths.

"what the fuck Lils! And, 7."

"sorry, though you heard me. Your shirt is in the wardrobe, by the way. I made you hang it up earlier. So its quarter to six now, that means we have an hour right?" she says as she goes to sit on the bed. He nods in answer to her question and pulls on his dark blue shirt. Lily sits wearing a skin tight blue dress that shows all her best points and get rid of those shes insecure about, although Remus thinks that she has nothing at all to be insecure about and tells her that all the time.

"right, how does this look?" Remus asks Lily giving her a little twirl. She just nods and gestures to herself. He nods thoughtfully before giving her a goofy smile and a double thumbs up. A knock sounds on his door and Marys voice soon makes its way to their ears.

"we hope your not doing anything sexual in there." She opens the door and smiles at the pair. Lily looks away blushing under Mary's gaze, but Remus just smirks.

"sadly were both gay, but I definitely wouldnt be able to help myself I were straight." He manages to keep a straight face before both him and Lily burst out laughing. Once they calm down, Remus sits down at the vanity and shoos both Lily and Mary out of the room, proclaiming he needs to sort his face out.

The marauders

"James look, a minifridge!"

"well done Sirius"

"whats in it? any cake?"

"bloody morons."

Somehow all three of their heads turn to Regulus even though he whispered it as he walked down the corridor to find a room suitable for him.

"HOW DARE YOU! I WILL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT I AM NOT A MORON! I JUST THOUGHT JAMIE HERE HADNT SEEN THE MINI-FRIDGE! NOT MY FAULT YOUR OVERLY OBSERVANT OF EVERYTHING!" Sirius shouts at his brother before he hears a door close quickly. James sighs as he starts to lug his suitcase down the corridor so he can bag the room next to Regulus. Soon enough Sirius catches on and grabs his bag, getting the one opposite. Peter is left with the room opposite Regulus who he likes as a friend but still finds him scary as hell at times. They all start to unpack and get dressed as they only have half an our before they have to leave and Sirius says he needed an hour. To which James shouted at him that its not his fault they got caught in traffic. Fifteen minuets later, James, Regulus and Peter all emerge looking pretty good if they say so themselves, and they all end up sat doing fuck all until Sirius finally shows with one minute to spare.

"fina-fuckly-le. How long does it take you to get ready Sirius." Regulus says standing up, dragging James with him. Sirius just sighs and gestures to himself. Hes wearing a pink suit with a waistcoat and blazer with a bow tie and pink trousers. The other dont comment just push him out of the door and start to head downstairs. Two doors down a groups, all dressed in blue, catch their attention. They all seem to move as one, even the stupidly tall one with a light brown mop of curly hair atop his head. They all head down towards the stairs talking amongst themselves loudly. The marauders follow close behind because they all seem to know where their going and 'look like a band' according Peter. Soon enough they all reach the large conference room thats been set up like a dinner party with separate tables and waiters showing bands to their table. the marauders get shown to table quite far away from the group of blue clothed people and soon enough they forget about them all together.

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