chapter three- setting off

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Saving Remus 

“HURRY UP! WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW IN ORDER TO GET THERE IN TIME!” Lily shouts at Marlene through the open front door. Everyone else is in the van already and she just want to sit down.

“alright, alright. I’m here. Don’t get your knickers in a twist darling.” Marlene says while pushing past Lily dragging a suitcase and three bags behind her. Lily just sighs and locks the door. Running to the lift and squeezing herself around Marlene and her numerous bags. Once they reach the van, Remus already has the engine on and Bluetooth playing the bands music. Marlene shoves her bags in the back, being careful of the instruments and Dorcas’s precious bag that she bollocks anyone for even looking at wrong, and off they go.


All the bags and instruments were put in the back earlier and now James, Regulus and Sirius are stood looking at the truck in interest.

“so, who’s gonna drive?” Sirius asks the other two after a while of an awkward silence. James sighs and holds his hand out to Regulus who smirks and drops the keys into his awaiting palm. The black brothers run and strap themselves into the two available seats, Sirius in the back with peter and regulus up front with James. With that, James hops in and they set off to start a new adventure.

Very short one just to set the competition into motion. More of a filler tbh but even the marauders and saving Remus need some chill-ish time. Next one will be a bit longer by a lot so, go, stretch your legs, get some water, do what you need to do, and return to this land once that is done. X

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