chapter 2- get ready

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Saving Remus

“remind me of our band name again?” Marlene says while handing upside down over the corner of the sofa.

“Saving Remus , you absolute moron.” Dorcas says distractedly with a roll of here eyes. There’s silence again before Marlene makes a ‘huh’ sound.

“And why is that our name? you know, in case people ask.” Lily sighs in answer as Dorcas just walks over to her drums and sits down looking at them proudly. She’s very proud of her drum kit.

“we are called that Marls because we were started and created by Remus and we all need help mentally and the band did that, it saved us. Therefore, we came up with the name ‘Saving Remus ’. And might I remind you that you came up with it and said, and I quote, ‘its badass and shows that we’re all badass, depressed bitches’.” Lily tells the upside down girl with a small smile. Marlene just makes another ‘huh’ sound but before she can say anything else Remus comes through the front door loudly, claiming the attention of everyone in the room. Mary comes in quickly after him closing the door with a smile.

“we’ve got the deets guys.” He says while running to grab the pringles of Lily and shoving four in his mouth. He passes his phone with the email open to lily while he sits and eats all her pringles. She reads through it a few times before nodding and summarising it for her band.

“so, we need to be there on Monday and they are providing an apartment for all the bands participating. There all in the same complex so we can get to know each other. Monday night there’s a dinner we need to go to then on Tuesday and Wednesday there’s the first round as such. We need to perform three different song of our four different genres, all original and then from there they will eliminate ten of the forty bands. Then repeat but with challenges. That what I got from the email anyways. I SWEAR TO GOD REMUS IF YOU HAVE EATEN ALL MY PRINGLES! Anyways, so we need to choose four songs for the first performance. So anyone got any ideas?” she looks around at everyone while they think and steals the pringles back from Remus while he looks at the ceiling thinking.

‘Right, I’ve got two. ‘Ride’ and ‘I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE’. We want to show them what we’ve got and I think those show our talents off pretty well. I cant think of anymore though.” Remus says while humming through one of the verses of ‘ride’.

“I say we do ‘ship in a bottle’ as well. Mary has a bigger part in that and we all really enjoy it. it was our first song so it  shows what made us, us, if that makes sense. If we all agree we only need one more.” Dorcas says while nursing a cup of tea and a biscuits. There’s a long silence before Mary shoots up and smiles quite evilly.

“we should do ‘home’ as our forth. I know its new and we’re not used to it but I think its another genre and shows how close a bond we all have. And that we have the ability to be flexible in our music.” There’s a silence again before Lily looks and Remus and nods. He sighs looks away and then smiles.

“alright then. Seems we need to do a practice.”

The marauders

“I have no fucking clue what songs we should do! we need to pick four, FOUR! That’s way too many for forty bands to do in two days. How are we supposed to decide? And by MONDAY!?” Sirius whines while lying on the floor of their studio which is really a old rentable garage that they bought and fixed up. Regulus walks over from the kitchen area and looks down at his older brother. After a while he just shakes his head and jumps on the sofa, placing his feet in James’s lap. Sirius pretends to gag when he sees and props himself on his elbows.

“do not be all romantic around me, or don’t be in a relationship around me at all for that matter. My best friend and my baby brother. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that you both found someone but it is just ‘ugh’ that’s its my best friend and baby brother together. I don’t need to see that in my life.”

James rolls his eyes at Sirius’s antics whereas Regulus flushes and looks away before composing himself and looking at siris again.

“get over it dear brother. And stop moaning, I’ve already got three down for us to do. I think of the other one though.” He says distractedly, looking at his music pile thoughtfully.

“and what are the three you think are good Regulus?” Peter asks his friend quietly.

“um, ‘who are you, really’, ‘fluorescent adolescent’ and ‘Brazil’.” He says still looking at his music pile. Peter makes a noise of approval and nods his head. “how about ‘year 3000’?” peter asks after thinking a little. Sirius gasps a little and calps his hands in approval. Regulus sighs and nods. And James just stands and looks through his music before he finds the songs.

“Perfect. that’s what were doing then. Now, what to wear?”

Another chapter done, the songs are in my playlist on Spotify so check that out if you want. Hope your enjoying and go drink some water.

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