chapter 5- performances start.

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I'm saying this now, I have not at all edited this chapter.

Saving Remus-

"Can't belive it's raining. It was sunny yesterday!" Lilys voice rings out making Remus groan at the noise so early in the morning.
"Welcome to britan darling. Now, do we have anything we need to talk about before we go down to breakfast and perform later?" Remus drawls out, his slight Welsh accent coming on more strongly than normal.
"I think we should change the last song. I don't think it shows our talent and we could use it for another set to fit sooooo much better." Marlene says while strolling into the room, dorcas in tow.
"Right, well what else do you want to use then? I agree completely but we need a song as well as the idea." Remus says sitting up a little more. Everyone just sits there and the room almost buzzes with the early morning brain cells trying to work.
"How about Cashew? I know it's one of the new ones but it would work as it still has both you Rem and Lils in."
Soon enough everyone agrees and wanders off to get dressed.
"WHAT IS THE COLOUR THEME AGAIN?" Marlene shouts down the hall to the rest of the band.
"EMERALD GREEN AND BLACK!" Lily shouts back sounding pissed. She's been dressed and waiting in the lounge for about five minutes and is getting bored now. She's wearing a dark green tightly knitted turtle-neck that is tucked into ripped black skinny jeans with fishnet tights underneath. Her hair is in a high pony tail and she's got eyeliner and emerald green and sliver eye shadow to match. Remus wanders out of his room and makes a beeline for the coffee machine. He has a dark green shirt that's unbuttoned at the top  (top 3 buttons) with it tucked into black skinny jeans and black trainers on. The others soon join them wearing similar clothing, Marlene a green silk top and black pencil skirt, dorcas in her usual rock type outfit but with green elements thrown in, and Mary with a emerald green knee length dress and black tights. All of the group seem to take a collective breath before heading down to eat and later, perform for the first time on screen.

The marauders-

The chaos of the marauders apartment would be enough to send any normal person into a coma at the sight. With no coordination and communication the band runs around trying to get everything ready before breakfast. Everyone has kinda just thrown clothes on and are now stood staring at eachother getting what James called their 'mojo'. Regulus thinks its complete and utterly bull but he's going along with it for now.
"Right, we need to leave now. We're going to sit through all the performances and see what the competition is. We're gonna be the best but we still need to see what we're gonna deal with soooo. Off we go!" Sirius says while starting to run out if the door. He's in his normal black shirt and dress trousers. Everyone just kinda follows after and soon enough the smell of breakfast assaults their noses. Siriuss eyes immediately seek out the man from last night and soon enough he sees him laughing at a table with his band. He feels James pull at him arm and only then does he realise he stopped moving to admire the strange man. With a chuckle James pulls him to their table and dumps some toast and jam on his plate. When the bands seem to have finished their food their host steps onto the stage and closes the curtain behind him.
"Welcome to the first performance. This performance is going to be recorded and used in the show. It is not live. Now, let's start, our judges are sat in the front tables. So, without further adew, our first band of the day, The Writing Lighters!" The curtains open and the band steps forward to the microphones. Their group lead introduces the members and the band plus the songs about to be sang.

Their good in lily's opinion but not that good. Like the one off on the radio that you go, that's decent but then never listen to it again kind of good. The judges seem to agree by their comments. The performances seem to all go the same for awhile untill a group called the silver trio, a rock group made of band members  Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch and Pandora Rosier are amazing. The judges and other bands seem to be ensnared when they sing. And as the comments are given out a stage crew guy comes to get saving Remus telling them their set is ten minutes away and to get their gear. To say the nerves started up there and then would be a massive understatement.

I know this chapter wasn't long at all but it was a filler and to get me back into writing after being on a holiday. Apologies for not updating but I didnt have any signal or time. Hope you all are having a good day and go drink some water x.

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