Drama, with a side of Dinner

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I'd rather be hiding in my room, under my bed covers and listening to Lana Del Rey.

I'd rather be at school retaking my SATs.

I'd rather be doing anything, anywhere as long as I didn't have to sit at the silently awkward dinner table with my divorcing parents, my crush, and my crush's girlfriend.
I pick up my glass of water and take a sip I'm not even thirsty for. I look at the grandfather
clock opposite me, and nearly groan out loud when I see it's only been 10 minutes since we all sat down.

"So!" My mother says, a tad too cheerily. "How's Eleanor, Caleb?"

Caleb answers quickly, looking relieved at the break of silence. "She's great. Just about to open her 15th Location in New York City."

"Oh, how amazing! I'll let her know I'm coming over to celebrate."

"Will do," Caleb says, smiling.

The silence resumes again, nothing but the sounds of forks and knives and glasses clanging with the quiet sound of the clock ticking in the background.

"So, Tracy, Caleb. How long have the two of you been together for?" My Dad asks.

Caleb opens his mouth to respond, but Tracy places her hand on his to shush him.
"About two years now!" She gushes. "Right, Caley Baby?"

Caleb clears his throat, shifting a little, clearly uncomfortable with the nickname. "Uh, yeah, two years."

I move my eyes from them to my parents just in time to notice the swift kick Mom gives Dad under the table. Tracy is busy brushing strands of Caleb's hair back, and babying him, while they're both distracted, my mother takes the stolen opportunity to scold him.

"What?" My Dad whispers, completely oblivious.

"We do not like Tracy in this household, and we do not ask about her and Caleb's relationship" my mother whispers back snippily.

"Right, of course. Sorry" He says almost sheepishly. Mom huffs and returns to eating.

I quickly glance at Caleb and Tracy to see if they've noticed the exchange, and am relieved to find they didn't.

the silence resumes again and I sneak another glance at the clock only to find it's been exactly four minutes. My eyes involuntarily find Caleb's and he pulls a face at me before quickly smoothing it back to normal. I stick my tongue out at him and quickly draw it back into my mouth. Not fast enough unfortunately for me, almost wincing at the withering glare thrown at me from Tracy.

She suddenly sticks her tongue out at Caleb too and crosses her eyes. He pulls back slightly in alarm at her unexpected expression but quickly plasters on a strained smile and laughs in a way that sounds so fake, I cringe a little. 

The obvious falsity of his chuckle doesn't pass by Tracy, and she huffs and returns to her food, scowling.

I'm beginning to contemplate just getting up and leaving the table altogether when the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it!" I blurt, before practically sprinting out the dining room.

I open the door to a woman I'd only met about twice. Mid-twenties, brunette with her hair in an up-do, glasses, and dressed professionally in a black dress. She smiles at me.

"Hello, Lily," She greets me in a heavy french accent. "Is Mr. Carter here?"

I just blink at her for a few seconds before stepping back and holding the door open.

"Uhh, why don't you come in?" I offer.Dad's secretary steps into the foyer, and follows me after I close the door.  Mom's eyes narrow when she sees her, and Dad's widen.

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