Prologue - Shadow's POV

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Finally, Mephiles and Ibilis were both defeated. Everyone else celebrated, but I gazed upon the wreckage where Mephiles and Ibilis had been defeated. Something was nagging at me, that something wasn't right.

"Hey buddy! You gonna come celebrate with us?" Sonic called to me. I looked to face him, my eyes fully stern. "I don't do celebrations after my victories. Sometimes you might not exactly be victorious. You have to always be on guard."

Sonic laughed. "Come on, Shadow. Why don't you ever live a little? Mephiles is gone, and so is Ibilis. Everyone is safe. Just celebrate a bit, edgelord." I rolled my eyes. His carefree view was going to get him in trouble one day; I just knew it.

That's when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move in the wreckage. "Not now, Sonic. I have to check out something." And with that, I dashed off towards the figure moving the rubble.

Whatever it was seemed to be agile, as it kept dodging around debris and kept itself out of my sight. Eventually, I saw that it headed to a corner, where I could trap it and figure out what it was. But when I turned, there was nothing there.

All that was there were the remains of the jewel Mephiles had broken out of.

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