Chapter 13 - Shadow's POV

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(Around 4:30 pm...)

"You're preparing dinner early?" Mephiles asked, confused. I smirked, stirring around the Mac-n'-cheese. "If we're gonna leave soon, we may as well not go without an empty stomach," I stated. "I don't trust this 'farmer's market' you say you've been to, so I'm making sure we eat before we go."

Mephiles stood there with a frown on his face. He had put on a puffy jacket over his casual clothes, and his dreads were up in a high ponytail. I myself just wore a leather jacket over a AC/DC shirt.

"Why don't you trust that the farmer's market is safe?" he asked. "Just because it's in Criminal Hotspot doesn't mean that it's all that dangerous. It's only called Criminal Hotspot is because it's a hiding place for thugs and criminal alike. But most of the residents there are poor, and they can't afford to live on this end of Station Square. You gotta realize that where you're living is considered 'upper class' to the unfortunate people living down there."

I sighed. He did make a good point; we only knew of a few people under the criminal category in our files who lived over there. "Look, I hear you, Mephiles," I told him, "but I'm just trying to be safe. We don't want to accidentally get poisoned, whether someone intended to do or not."

Mephiles sighed, then sat down. He didn't really seem happy, and it made my heart feel heavy with guilt. But why? Why was I sad that I had made him upset? What were these feelings? "'You know, when Amy or I make each other mad or sad or upset, there's usually a feeling of guilt afterwards,'" Sonic's words from a while ago echoed in my head. "'It means that we really care about it each other, and that we really were meant for each other. You may feel like that with someone you date, if you ever choose to date someone.'"

My eyes widened, and I nearly dropped the pot of Mac-n'-cheese. Fuck, this couldn't be happening. Why was it happening now? "Don't tell me I've fallen for him again," I thought. "This can't be true. I thought I pushed aside those feelings long ago!"

I glanced back at him. River was sitting in his lap, purring. I smiled a bit. "But he's not the same as he was five years ago," I thought. "He's grown and changed so much. And he is rather cute...I can't possibly lock him away when we find Iblis. I have to figure out a way to save them both from G.U.N., even if that means..."

I shook my head. No harm would come to him, nor to me. "I can just explain everything to the Commander once I'm finished," I thought. "He'll be fine. I'll make sure of it." I put some Mac-n'-cheese in a bowl, then put it at the island. "Come on, eat up. I wanna make sure you're full before we go."

Mephiles looked over at me, a bit unsure. I gave him a welcoming smile, pushing the bowl towards him. "Come on, I know you're hungry. I promise it's good. Besides, I doubt you ate much while in that warehouse." Mephiles looked down at his feet, his cheeks flushed purple in embarrassment.

As I prepared myself a bowl, Mephiles came over slowly and sat down, sniffing the food. He took a quick bite, and I could see the instant realization in his eyes. I chuckled. "See? I told you it was good!" I said. He smiled, stuffing his mouth, only nodding in agreement.

I laughed. "You're gonna make a mess all over yourself eating like that, Mephiles," I said. "Here, let me help you." I pulled out a napkin, and before I even realized what I was doing, I was willing his face off. He sat there, frozen in confusion, while I continued to clean his face, feeling a bit awkward.

Once I was done, I pulled back, blushing furiously. He blushed too, then said, "Thank you, Shadow." I dropped the napkin, leaning back against the counter. Why did I do that? Why did I wipe his face off? He wasn't a child, he was a grown up!

"Once you're done, we'll head out and start our mission." He nodded, and then continued eating.

(A/N: Hi there, my lovelies! Just wanted to let you know that high school has officially started where I live! A freshman in the making!

Anyways, I won't be posting as often, probably once a week, lucky if it's twice. But I hope you enjoy this chapter, sorry if they have been short recently! Bye bye!)

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