Chapter 10 - Rouge's POV

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(The Next Day, 10:32 am...)

"So, the Commander says that the small spark and it's shadow are still alive? After five years?" "For the final goddamn time, yes, Rouge!" Shadow yelled, incredibly angry. "Both Iblis and Mephiles are alive. Iblis is being held in some sort of underground science facility, and Mephiles is out there roaming free. Where either of them is a mystery, and it's my job to figure that out."

Everything that qualified as "evidence" was lied out on the table, but only one thing could be seen as real evidence. Commander had given him a bunch of files, though there weren't many, and it didn't look to be helpful. Most of it were blurring pictures of the targets and a symbol with red wings. But this morning, Shadow had brought in an old, gross-looking lab coat with the same symbol.

"So where did you find that lab coat again?" I asked. He wrote something on a sticky note, then placed it on top of the lab coat. "Somewhere in Criminal Hotspot," he responded. "From where I was, it looked like we were closer to the outskirts and to the forest. My guess is that there is a secret entrance to this science facility somewhere in Criminal Hotspot, so that's where most of this investigation will go."

"This seems like a big investigaton for just you alone to handle, Shadow. Do you want some help? I can call Team Chaotix if we-" "No, anyone but them," he cut me off. I chuckled. I knew how much he disliked that team, mainly their leader Vector. He didn't seem to mind Charmy, and Espio...I could never tell how he felt about the chameleon.

"Actually, if you and Omega can, could you work on this case this Saturday for me? I need to babysit Cream and Cheese for the day. Vanilla got herself" I gasped. Vanilla had never had a dating life that I knew of, and now she was dating someone?

"Who's the lucky man, Shadow?" I asked. He started clumping up all the evidence into one case file. "Actually, it's a female rabbit named Almond who's lucky." My eyes widened. Vanilla was interested in women?! How come I never knew this?! Shadow chuckled. "I was shocked too," he said. "Vanilla had never told me that before, but I think I understand why."

"Well, if she had told me sooner, I could have helped her find someone sooner! She wouldn't be alone for so long!" Shadow looked at me, frowning. "Vanilla wants to go at her own pace to find someone for her. Do you think she would have gotten a date with Almond if you had interjected into her love life? The answer is no, Rouge."

"Yeesh, you're getting rather defensive on this," I said as he walked away. That when it came to me. I gasped. "Is it because you're still lonely?" The hedgehog froze right before the door. Haha; got him. "N-No, I have River, obviously," he stated. "I'm not lonely. She keeps me company."

I giggled. "Yeah, the way a cat would. Face it, Shadow; one day you're gonna need to find someone to love and cherish as a partner. And I'll always be here to get you one, if you're lonely." Shadow looked back at me with a glare in his eyes, but then sighed. "See you tomorrow, Rouge," he said, walking out the door.

He really was lonely, but he was refusing to acknowledge it.

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