Chapter 1 - Third Person POV

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Five years later...

The bank's alarm went off just as the thieves ran out, dressed in full black while carrying bags filled with money. Cackling, they tossed the bags full of money into the back of their getaway van, climbed in, and began to drive away.

Shadow watched from atop a building, finishing his coffee. "Thieves these days, stooping to such common heists. Have they lost their creativity?" He jumped down into an alleyway, tossed his coffee into a trash can, and dashed off after the thieves.

The thieves in the van were paying no attention to their rearview mirror, as they were too busy counting their money and cackling in delight. Even the driver was a bit distracted, causing the van swerve drastically from side to side. Cars dodged out of the way to not get hit, but some ended up crashing on the side of the road.

Shadow dodged the crashed cars, and managed to land on top of the getaway van. He could hear the thieves panicking inside, and one even poked their head out. A Male minx wearing a black mask, just from observation. "Uh, hello there, Shadow the hedgehog. You wouldn't mind letting us get away with all this money, would you?"

"And what on Mobius makes you think I'd simply let you get away?" Shadow responded. The minx shrugged. "It was worth a shot. Didn't wanna have to do this to you, sir." Shadow frowned as the minx ducked back inside. What was that supposed to mean?

Suddenly, the minx came back out with a shotgun, aiming at him. "Sorry, Shadow, sir," he said, then started shooting at the hedgehog. Shadow dodged the shots and fell back, and out of range for the minx. So the thieves had weapons on them.

"How am I supposed to get them without getting shot?" Shadow thought. "Well, I just have to avoid being shot. Even if I am, I'm the Ultimate Lifeform. It won't kill me; I'll only be injured. But to be safe..."

Carefully, he crawled to the back of the van, then managed to open it from the outside. The doors swung wide open, and the thieves inside screamed in panic and distress. Shadow hopped inside, and all the thieves looked at him. From observing them, they all seemed to be teenagers.

"Don't speak, just pull this car to the side and surrender. Trust me, things will go easier if you do." They all looked at each other, then the driver said, "I would, if the brakes were working." Shadow froze. He had to be joking, right?

"Look out!" The minx in the front seat screamed. They all looked to see a brick wall of a building they were heading straight for. Shadow had no time to react as the front of the van collided with the wall.

Time seemed to slow almost to a stop, and Shadow looked at the thieves and their faces. They looked to be in pure horror and fear. Any of them would be lucky if they survived this crash. Suddenly, something tugged at Shadow's back, and seemed to throw him out of the van.

Just as Shadow landed on the pavement, the van full on stopped at the wall, and the horn went off. Shadow groaned, standing up, then rushed to the van. Were those thieves still alive?

They were, but they were incredibly injured. The money was everywhere in the van, and even covered some of the teenagers. Gently, Shadow helped the thieves one by one out of the van. They all looked like they would suffer from a broken bone or two.

Shadow looked around, confused. How did he get out of the crash without a scratch, yet these teenagers got severely hurt? Had something saved him? "It did feel like something pulled me out of there," he thought. "Maybe something did save me...or someone."

Ten Minutes Later...

"I think those kids will be okay, Shadow," Rouge told the hedgehog as they rode the elevator to his apartment. "The most that one will be suffering from is a concussion. They won't be in jail for long either. The longest it could be is a month, if they aren't bailed out by then."

Shadow frowned. "That's not what's bugging with me, Rouge," he said. "What's bothering me is how I'm not hurt, but how those kids are. I should at least have a bruise or something, but there's not even a scratch!" Rouge shrugged. "Well, you're the Ultimate Lifeform. Maybe that's why."

The elevator doors opened, and Shadow walked out with a sigh. That answer didn't settle right with him. But that was the best option for now. "I'll see you around, Shadow," the bat said. "Enjoy your day off. With how hard you've been working, you deserve one."

The hedgehog rolled his eyes. "It might only last until noon. That's what usually happens on my days off. I'll be lounging around, sitting on the couch with River in my lap and a cup of coffee, then get an 'urgent call' for some mission, and it lasts for the rest of the day. I'll never have a full day off."

Rouge laughed. "Well, I'll try and get you a full day off tomorrow. Have a good night." And with that, the elevator doors closed. Shadow chuckled. Like that would happen. The same thing happened everytime, so why wouldn't it happen again? G.U.N. was truly helpless without him.

Shadow entered his apartment, and was met by the purring of his companion, all while pressing herself against his legs in greeting. He smiled, then closed the door behind him before picking up his mainecoon cat. "You were waiting for me the entire time, weren't you, River?"

The cat meowed.

"I'm glad to hear that," the hedgehog responded, setting her down. "Let's see if there's anything good on tonight. Maybe we'll see some funny cats." River purred, then ran to the couch and sat in her usual spot. Shadow plopped down next to her. This was all he would ever need for the perfect moment. But there was one thing missing.

A partner; one that wasn't a lovable pet.

Yet outside the window in his living room, a figure sat on the fire escape and gazed at Shadow in awe from the shadows. How this person longed for the warmth of being beside the hedgehog. It was something they longed for, yet they knew it was next to impossible.

They watched Shadow settle on a show, then pet his cat. The figure felt their heart ache, and they knew it was time to go. So they silently left, leaving the unsuspecting hedgehog and his cat be.

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