Chapter 14 - Third Person POV

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Mephiles wobbled off of Shadow's motorcycle, very dizzy. The fast movements of the motorcycle were enough to make him nauseous. Shadow chuckled. "Not exactly a fan of traveling like that?" he asked. "Don't worry, we'll go your way next time." The dark creature covered his mouth with his hand, expecting to vomit, but didn't.

"Okay, I think you're being just a bit dramatic," Shadow said, pulling his motorcycle into the hidden shadows of a dumpster. "Come on, we gotta get going if we wanna find clues." He frowned. "But where are we supposed to start looking? We've already looked all around here. Where do we look now?"

Shadow thought for a moment, leaning against the alley wall. That did bring up something important. Where would they start looking now? "Let's head over to that farmer's market. It sounds like some place where criminals could meet up secretly. But don't interact with anyone, you hear me?"

Mephiles frowned. "You're acting like you care about me. I know all you want is for me to get out of your quills as soon as possible." Shadow's heart sank a little, but he remained serious on the surface. If only he could truly express how he felt to Mephiles. If only there weren't obstacles in the way. If only-

Shadow snapped back into reality, and noticed Mephiles was wandering away. "Mephiles, wait!" he whisper-yelled, following after him. The dark hedgehog smirked. "I thought you were faster than the blue one," he teased. "Obviously if I'm beating you, then it must not be true."

The striped hedgehog frowned. "Ha ha, very funny," he hissed sarcastically. "Look, you can't just run off on me like that if we're on a mission. You need to stay close in case those scientists come and try to take you."

Mephiles crossed his arms, but sighed. "Fine. Only because you have a fair point. I won't be messing around. I promise."


Mephiles didn't even try to fulfill his so-called "promise" from back in the alleyway. He didn't even need to in order to break it. The moment they stepped into the farmer's market, an older, kindly mouse stepped towards Mephiles and greeted him in a foreign language, calling him the name "Idaina eiyū," whatever that meant.

Shadow was mad, but he thought no one else would do the same. How wrong he was. In a matter of minutes, many of the mobians and humans there were greeting Mephiles, majority of them speaking different languages. Shadow heard Spanish, French, and even some Chinese.

And Mephiles seemed to understand them all, responding with their languages. How he managed to do that impressed Shadow. But this was distracting them from their bigger task. Thankfully the people quickly dispersed once seeing Shadow a bit agitated.

"Oh come on, Shadow," the dark hedgehog said. "They were only saying hello. All of them know me from around here. It's not much they know, but they are friendly." "Mephiles, we're here on a mission," Shadow stated. "I could care less about the people who were saying hello to you. Right now we need to focus. We have a bigger issue at hand."

Mephiles's expression changed from joy to a mixture of disbelief and anger. "Maybe you don't care about those people greeting me, but I do," he said. "Didn't you see? They weren't afraid of me, Shadow. They never have been. But out there in bigger cities, and even the small towns and villages, I am feared. These people understand me somehow, and yet you could care less that they make someone like me happy."

Shadow frowned. "We have a bigger issue to deal with, Mephiles," he stated again, annoyed. "You want to get Iblis back, don't you? You seem more invested in those people than your own brother. Perhaps maybe I should do it myself. After all, there's nothing here that has seemed to help."

Mephiles opened his mouth to say something, but fell silent instead. Shadow frowned. "Let's just find somewhere else to investigate. Anywhere but this place."

Just as he pulled out his motorcycle keys, a red-orange blur snatched them.

(A/N: OMG my lovelies! School is so rough right now, even though it's the third week! Anyways, here's chapter 14, I hoped you liked it! Also it would really help if you up voted my chapters and story. I've seen that over a hundred of people on this platform have read some part of this, so I would appreciate the support.

Another note. In the next chapter there will be a couple new characters appearing, and one name may sound familiar, as all names do. And if it doesn't, then you won't need to read the A/N talking about it. But if you know that name, then read the A/N for context.

Anyways, I love you guys! Goodbye! 😘)

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