Chapter 6 - Cream's POV

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"Alright, you remember to be good for Mr. Shadow, Creamie," Mommy said as I entered Mr. Shadow's apartment. "Don't be rude, always ask for permission, never back talk-" "Mommy, you know I won't," I told her. "I love you, Mommy." She smiles, hugging me tightly. "Oh, I love you too, my cream-cake," she said. "I wish I could spend more time with you and wasn't this busy. Please remember that Mommy always loves you, okay?"

"I know, Mommy," I said. "See you tonight, Mommy. We'll make some cakes for you!" She smiled, then started talking with Shadow. I snuck past them with Cheese, and landed on the couch. River meowed, skeptical of Cheese. "I'm not afraid of you, kitty!" Cheese said, raising his small fists. "I can take you on any day. Bring it on!" I laughed nervously. "Okay, Cheese, that's enough," I said. "We don't wanna make River mad. She gets really feisty."

"Come on, she can't do anything," Cheese said. "She's just an old cat. There's not much she can do to a Chao as quick and strong as me." River hissed at us both, her tail straight up in the air. I giggled nervously, then got us both off the couch.

"Alright, Cream," Shadow said, approaching me, "what would you like to do today? I have games, stuff to bake, shows, and a lot more. Is there something you would really like to do?" I smiled. "Well, I'd like to-" That's when, his phone rang from his jacket pocket. He sighed. "Sorry, Cream, I have to answer this," he said. "We'll go do what you want to do once I'm done, alright?" And with that, he walked away, talking to whoever it was on the other side.

"Mr. Shadow seems to be really busy today," Cheese said. "Let's go see if we can find anything to play with. Doesn't he have some toys in the guest room closet?" I nodded. "Come on, let's go," I whispered. And we snuck away towards the guest room while he wasn't looking.

I tried to open the door, but it was locked. Huh, that seemed off. "Maybe he locked it on accident," I told Cheese. "Let's head in through the bathroom. That door can't be locked. Then that would be weird."

"But we aren't allowed in Mr. Shadow's room, Cream! You know we can't go in there." I shurgged it off. "There can't be anything that bad in there," I said. "Come on, let's just go." I looked to make sure Mr. Shadow was still on his phone, which he was, then hurried into his room with Cheese.

His room didn't look like it was meant to be secret. It just looked...blank. His bed was very well made, and nothing seemed to be out of order. "This bed is WAY too big to be for just one person!" Cheese said, jumping onto his bed. "I bet at least four people could fit on this bed. Why does he have this big of a bed anyway?"

"Cheese, don't mess with the bed," I whispered, "but if I had to guess, I would say Mr. Shadow is lonely. I mean, his entire apartment seems a little...empty." "But he has River!" Cheese stated. "Why would he...wait, are you saying that Mr. Shadow is lonely because he doesn't have a partner to love?"

I nodded. "I think it's just like the way Mommy is," I said. "She's been trying to find someone to love for so long, she probably gave up. It might be the same with Mr. Shadow." Cheese sighed sadly, and I did too. I wanted to help Mr. Shadow find someone to love, but how could I do that? I was just a bunny!

"Cream, where did you go?" Shadow called out. He entered his room and sighed. "Cream, you know you and Cheese aren't allowed to be in here. Why are you even in here anyway?" I sat on the bed with Cheese. "Cheese and I just wanted to get the toys from the guest bedroom, but the door was locked, so I'd thought we'd go through the bathroom door. But then we saw how empty and sad your room looked, so we thought that you must be lonely."

He squatted down in front of me and asked, "What makes you think I'm lonely, Cream? I have River to keep me company." I shook my head. "Not that kind of lonely, Mr. Shadow," I said. "The other kind of lonely." He sat there for a minute, seeming to be confused. " you think I'm lonely because I don't have a partner to love?"

I nodded. "It's just like with Mommy. She's tried so hard to find someone to love, but she couldn't, and now she's so lonely. Sometimes I can hear her crying in her bed at night, and it makes me really sad." Shadow sighed, sitting beside me. "I know it's hard for your mom, but she'll find someone one day. And then you'll have another parent to be a part of your family."

I smiled. "You're my best friend, Mr. Shadow," I told him. "You're right next to Cheese, of course." Cheese nodded, and hugged Mr. Shadow, and so did I. Something seem to soften his eyes, making him look more happy. "Alright, I put on some Powerpuff Girls, if you want to watch some. I'll bring out some toys, and then we can play together for a bit. Doesn't that sound like a plan?"

"Yep," I agreed. "Come on, Cheese! I'll race to the living room!"

(A/N: Hi, my lovelies! Noodles here! I wanted to address some little issues in my story that I always forget to address in the main story itself! The first is time. The day it is in the story is a Wednesday in mid-August, but I don't know what year to put or even if I should put a year. Even more on time, in the pov of Cream here, it's around 11ish, meaning Shadow went to the warehouse and discovered Mephiles there around, say, 9ish.

Time has been such an issue for my stories, so I wanted to clear up for you guys that had questioned about it while reading. Just to make things make sense.

Also, I don't know why I chose the Powerpuff Girls for the show that Shadow found. It was a childhood favorite of mine when I was Cream's age since she's like nine, so I wasn't really thinking? Was it not a good show to put in? Should I have said something else?

The last thing is that if any of you have any questions, feel free to ask me on whatever paragraph it is, and I will do my best to answer. I have a tendency to forget to mention things and for people to automatically know, so that's on me. Anyways, bye my lovelies, and prepare for a triple upload today, or at least I'll try to make up for yesterday. 😘)

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