summer time kiss

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"Hey. What's with the crown? And the flower braid?" We looked up at Belly smiling.

"My mom's out to paint us as Hermes, messenger of the gods. And his goddess."


"Who you looking for?"

"Um, I thought maybe Conrad would be back by now."

"Where have you been?"

"I, uh, had a picnic with Cam."

"Oh, cute. How is Cam Cameron?"

"I don't think we're gonna hang out anymore."

"Oh. Well, poor Cam Cameron."

"You guys were never gonna let that go."

"No. For the record, I liked him. And you don't look that upset. But, if you are, this little nugget will cheer you up. Our moms... high-key stoned right now."

"No way!"

"Yeah. All my favorite snacks are gone." I grabbed her hand leading her into the house Jere behind us.

"I still don't feel anything."

"I'm hungry. We should make lasagna!"

"I love lasagna."

"Shoot! I need to go shopping. Mm. Mm."

"Look. What's that?"

"Oh! Our beautiful babies! Oh, look at them! Mmm." We walked in smiling at them.

"Ooh, they're so cute! Mm, you, come with me. I got to get you while the light's still good. Come on, Lyra you too."

"Okay, well, let's do that."

"My boy. Look at you! Oh, this light is beautiful. Can you feel it? Can you feel the softness?"

"I can feel it."

"Oh, my God. Ah, how is your summer, my love? You happy?" I looked at Jere who gazed down at me.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Oh, keep that look!"

"It feels a little bit different this summer, though."

"Mm. Summer's the same. We're the ones who are changing. Well, except you. I don't want you to ever change."

"Jeremiah, please save me! My mom wants to braid my hair!" We both laughed at her but keeping our gaze on each other.

"You two are so cute. Just get together already, I'm so routing for you two!" I felt my face get red as Jere smirked.

"I'm trying."

"Oh, God."

"Oh, you're such a good friend to Belly. Like a brother."

"All right, enough with the commentary, Mom. Let's see the art." We both got up looking at the art as Susannah stood up stretching her arms.

"What do you think?"

"I think it might be my best work." I said trying not to laugh, it was us looking at each other, but it was not like her other work.

"Belly?!" Belly and Laurel walked out looking at the painting.

"Ah, it's, um..."


"Picasso and Jackson Pollock had a baby."

"What?" She came over looking at it herself.

"Oh, my God, it's terrible!"

"It's so bad!"

right in front of you- Jeremiah FIsherWhere stories live. Discover now