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I'm working on the first chapter of act III but I'm not going to be able to update quite as much for a while, I got a new school year to deal with.

I got a tech class, an engineering class, and a goddamn AP course to deal with. I'm screwed, but I'll try and update as much as possible so please try and be patient, I know, waiting for a story to update fucking sucks.

But I do have a highschool life to contend with, my self opinion and social skills have never been to good, but I've been trying to improve myself, in any way possible, so I'll try to improve myself and do this fic.

But I do hope you guys understand, I've hardly ever put myself first, I've always worried incessantly about every little thing and have paid the price for it, and if it comes down to my mental being and education or this fic, then I have to choose myself.

But I won't give up on this fic, I enjoy writing and making a story that even a meager amount of people can enjoy, so as long as I have readers I'll write, even if I can make one person happy.

I hope you guys are all doing well and I hope you guys understand, Act III Part I will be out tomorrow, and I'll try and update my other stories before the start of the year. 

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