Chapter 3 Revelation

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Trunks, still in shock, urgently replies to his mother: "Mom, this isn't just a meteor; it's a spaceship!"

Bulma's excitement for the potential of new devices and technology using otherworldly technology was so great that she may have overlooked the potential consequences.

She responded with starry eyes, exclaiming, "Oh wow, that's amazing!" What are you waiting for, trunks? "Use the capsule on it and bring it over here." "I can't wait to see all the new inventions I could make by learning from alien technology." Suddenly, she realized what her son might have been thinking as her joy turned into fear.

Bulma: Do you think there could be something or someone on board that we haven't accounted for? I'm starting to feel worried.

Trunks breaks his silence, expressing his concerns. He's troubled by his inability to sense anything, which has left him with numerous unanswered questions. He questions whether anything dangerous could have escaped the ship and if it could pose a future threat. Trunks has been actively searching for stronger energy sources in the vicinity, but thus far, his efforts have been fruitless. He also ponders whether whatever it is has learned how to conceal its energy.

Trunks expressed his frustration by saying, "I should have arrived earlier." "I don't even know where to begin searching for whatever it may be."

Bulma says, seeing her son in distress, "Trunks, there's no need to be too hard on yourself." It's possible that there wasn't anything on the ship, and if there was, since you can't sense it, it's probably not very strong. I trust that if something were to appear and cause a problem, you would be more than enough to deal with it.

Trunks: I hope you're right. I'll use the capsule and head back over. If we could study the ship a bit more, maybe we could find out more about its origins. We'll gather as much information as possible to ensure the earth's safety.

Trunks hurled the capsule towards the ship and observed as it opened up, scanning the vessel, before a thick cloud of smoke emerged, leaving only the capsule behind on the ground. He collects the capsule and flies back to Capsule Corp., as he thinks to himself.

Trunks: I need to remain vigilant to ensure the peace I have worked hard to achieve in my timeline is not disturbed. If there was something on that ship, I must take the necessary steps to prevent it from ruining the peace I restored. I need to continue with my training to be prepared for any potential threats.

          *Trunks putting the Caspulse with the rest he has on him*

          *Trunks putting the Caspulse with the rest he has on him*

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